Structure of the Study Programme
The teaching process at the Study Programme Electronics and Microsystems is organized in 2 semesters (one academic year). The studies provide for acquiring narrower-professional and professional applicative knowledge within the framework of two modules, that is: - Electronic Devices and Microsystems (ЕКМ), - Electronics (ELK).
The teaching at this Study Programme is realized through:
- a block of two obligatory (mandatory) common subjects (courses) in the first semester,
- elective (optional) subjects (three in the first semester and two in the second), defined through a number of optional blocks, expanding and profiling student’s knowledge in specific fields, significant for a certain module,
- study and research work, realized by students in both semesters, in cooperation with lecturers (professors), teaching at this Study Programme. In that, students get the latest professional and technological knowledge, as well as the elements of research and professional team work,
- professional practice, conducted in companies or research laboratories, and
- Master thesis, elaborated by students in the final semester.
Teaching is conducted through three basic forms: lectures, exercises and study and research work, through which a student is engaged in elaborating a bigger number of seminar papers and projects. In that, professors engaged in realization of this Study Programme, inform students about the elements of the team and professional work, as well as about the way of processing and presentation of the obtained results.
The condition for enrollment in this Study Programme implies finished Basic Academic Studies with 240 ECTS credits, at least.
Students load per each subject (course) is expressed through ECTS credits, by observing the recommendations of Bologna Declaration. In order to finish the Study Programme, a student must gain 60 ECTS, at least. Through scientific-professional and professional-applicative subjects a student gains minimum 40 ECTS credits, through study and research work – 2 ECTS, through professional practice - 3 ECTS, and by elaborating and defending the Master thesis – Final examination passing – 15 ECTS.
This Study Programme observed the recommended prevalence structure of certain subject types in Master Academic Studies, so that the ratio of scientific-professional and professional-applicative subjects is 51% to 49%, respectively.
After the completion of this Study Programme, a student acquires the title Master engineer in electrical and computer engineering.
The curriculums of EKM and ELK Modules specify the List of mandatory and optional subjects, as well as their sequence.

The purpose of the Study Programme
The Study Programme of Master Academic Studies – Electronics and Microsystems is conformant with the goals of the Faculty of Electronic Engineering to continue with education of students for the occupation – Graduate engineer in this field by applying highly set teaching quality standards in accordance with the defined strategy and the demands of industry, economy, the society, as a whole. Through this programme the top quality engineers are educated, ready to actively participate, not only in regional development, but they will be also ready to accept and apply new knowledge and be responsible for maintaining the high technological and scientific-research potential of Serbia in this field.
The role of the Study Programme in educational system of the Republic of Serbia is reflected in education of engineers who can be employed in branches of industry where knowledge from these fields is applied, and these are:
- electronic engineering, power electronics and consumers electronics,
- medical electronics,
- automotive electronics,
- electronic components, microelectronics and microsystems,
- modern materials in electronic engineering,
- multimedia technologies and systems,
- nanotechnologies,
- energetic efficiency.
- industry, basic for this region, electronic, tobacco, machine building, rubber, textile, food-processing, construction, chemical, pharmaceutical,
- transportation and traffic,
- control and supervision in the fields covering water supply and district heating systems, electric power transmission, and distribution facilities, data collection and information systems;
- military industry;
- control computer systems for installation;
- service businesses;
- educational and health institutions.
The goal of the Study program Electronics and Microsystems is to educate graduate engineers, competent to design, fabricate and maintain electronic components, circuits, devices, and systems. In that, care is taken that students extend the acquired fundamental and applicative knowledge, in order to be able to easily include themselves in the production process and/or schooling in doctoral studies. Comparative, but not less important goal of the Study program is also the development of creative way of thinking and accepting new knowledge, capacities for team work, skills in using measuring instruments and modern software tools, as well as the skills of expressing and presenting ideas and professional results obtained.
Apart from the overall objectives of the Study Programme Electronic Engineering and Microystems, each of these two modules has got specific goals characteristic for narrower specialized fields:
- The goal of the module Electronic Devices and Microsystems (EKM) is expanding the student’s theoretical knowledge gained and managing practical skills, necessary for design, optimization, fabrication and application of electronic components. Studies are also directed to specific issues, related to design, fabrication and application of sensors, optoelectronic components and integrated microsystems, as well as to nanoelectronics. Besides, teaching covers the fields as follows: organic semiconductors materials and materials for new alternative energy sources, medical physics and thermovision.
- The goal of the module Electronics (ELK) is to ensure students acquiring detailed and essential knowledge and managing skills, necessary for digital processing of video and biomedical signals, design, modelling, realization and testing of integrated circuits, electronic devices and systems based on microprocessor's application. Studies are also directed to specificities of multimedia technologies, supply sources and widespread applied special purpose microcomputer systems. Besides, teaching in this Module is aimed at raising engineer’s awareness about the importance of energetic efficiency, and environment protection.
1. semester
Obligatory 5 out of 22
Code: 3MEM1A01
Number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
Course outline:Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3MEM1A02
Number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
Course outline:Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3MEM1A03
Number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
Course outline:Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3MEM1A05
Number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
Course outline:Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3MEM1A06
Number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
Course outline:Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3MEM1A07
Number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 1
Course outline:Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3MEM1A08
Number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 1
Course outline:Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3MEM1A09
Number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
Course outline:Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3MEM1A10
Number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
Course outline:Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3MEM1A11
Number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
Course outline:Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3MEM1A12
Number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
Course outline:Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3MEM1A13
Number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
Course outline:Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3MEM1A14
Number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
Course outline:Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3MEM1A15
Number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
Course outline:Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3MEM1A16
Number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
Course outline:Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3MEM1A17
Number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
Course outline:Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3MEM1A18
Number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
Course outline:Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3MEM1A19
Number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
Course outline:Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3MEM1A20
Number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
Course outline:Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3MEM1A21
Number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
Course outline:Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3MEM1A22
Number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
Course outline:Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3MEM1O01
Number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
Course outline:Specification for the book of courses
2. semester
Obligatory 2 out of 13
Code: 3MEM2A01
Number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 1
Course outline:architecture, User space, Start-up sequences, Boot loader interface, Mapping memory, interrupt
management. Timers, UART, power management. Embeded storage memory: Flash memory card,
Memory device technologies. File systems: Ramdisk, JFFS, NFS, PROC file system. Optimize the
memory space. Optimize kernel memory. Embeded drivers: serial port driver, ethernet driver, I2C,
USB. Porting applications: Programming threads, operating system porting level, kernel API drivers.
Real-Time Linux as an operating system for real-time operation: interruption delay, delay and duration
of panners. Planning process, memory lock, POSIX memory sharing, waiting queues, traffic lights,
signals, clock and timer, asynchronous I / O. Building and Debuging: building kernel, building
applications, root file system. IDE: Eclipse, Kdevelop, CodeBlocks. Example of design: Design and
development of board computer cars using mirror and RT Linux.
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3MEM2A02
Number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 1
Course outline:Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3MEM2A03
Number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 1
Course outline:Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3MEM2A04
Number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
Course outline:Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3MEM2A05
Number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
Course outline:Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3MEM2A06
Number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
Course outline:Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3MEM2A07
Number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
Course outline:Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3MEM2A08
Number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
Course outline:Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3MEM2A09
Number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
Course outline:Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3MEM2A10
Number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
Course outline:Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3MEM2A11
Number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
Course outline:Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3MEM2A12
Number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
Course outline:Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3MEM2A13
Number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
Course outline:Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3MEM2O01
Number of classes per week:
- Lectures:
- Exercises:
Course outline:The content of the professional practice is in full compliance with the objectives of the practice. The student learns the structure of the company and the goals of its business, adjusts his/her own engagement to the corresponding study area and duly fulfills his/her work obligations in accordance with the duties of the employees in the company. The student describes his own engagement during the professional practice and gives a critical insight in his/her own experience, knowledge and skills gained in practice.
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3MEM2O02
Number of classes per week:
- Lectures:
- Exercises:
Course outline:Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3MEM2O03
Number of classes per week:
- Lectures:
- Exercises:
ECTS: 15
Course outline:Specification for the book of courses