Since its foundation, the Faculty of Electronic Engineering, in the scope of its expertise, performs studies in the field of control systems. In the beginning it was through a study program in Computer Science and Control Systems, and then through the module Control Systems and Power Engineering, as an answer to the needs of industrial systems nearby, the most significant being the Electronic Industry in Niš. According to the Statute from 1985, an independent Department of Control Systems was founded. The teachers and associates of the Faculty of Electronic Engineering gave significant contribution to the development of the Department, but also associates from other faculties, mainly from the Faculty of Electronic Engineering in Belgrade: Dr. Miroljub Dimić, full professor, Dr. Miodrag Rakić, full professor, Dr. Milić Stojić, full professor, Dr. Veljko Potkonjak, full professor, Dr. Trajko Petrović, full professor.
Together with the development of scientific potential at the department of control systems, laboratories necessary for quality research work were developing. Valuable equipment was purchased through TEMPUS and WUS projects, as well as through the Fraunhofer Institute from Berlin. Special attention was given to students and their education. Professional attitude towards curricula activities, current topics, methodology of work and interactive work with students made the study group Control Systems very popular during the nineties.
In the context of the current curricula, the Department of Control Systems has the following study programs: Control Systems at graduate academic studies, module Control Systems at the program Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at doctoral studies, as well as module Industrial Control Systems within Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies on professional studies. At the academic study program Control Systems, the teaching process is performed through two modules: Automatic Control Systems, and Computer Control Systems and Measurement Engineering, where students are qualified for creation, design and realization of modern control systems, as well as for application of computer and measurement engineering in the control of complex technological processes.
The developmental trend of modern complex systems requires engineers to possess a wide spectrum of systematic knowledge in order to solve practical engineering problems, open new business possibilities, as well as to be able to use technological progress achieved in certain disciplines. The vision of further development of the Department of Control Systems is linked with the raising need for engineers who beside basic skills should have education in the field of system theory. The improvement of the teaching process means modernization of curriculum, visits to professional fairs, modernization of the existing laboratories with new equipment, active participation of students within laboratories, etc. Beside this, the staff of the Department has a task of permanent professional specialization and progress through acquiring higher scientific titles, as well as frequent study visits through cooperation with foreign universities.
The direct goals of the Department of Control Systems are harmonized with the expected development of economical environment and European integration processes. Rapid technological progress in the related disciplines, mainly in Computer Science in a wider sense, requires actualization of curriculum. Also, it opens a wide range of new fields where interdisciplinary research becomes inevitable. Having in mind these two basic trends of activity, general goals are set up: institutional connection with similar faculties from abroad in order to participate in projects financed by EU, continuous improvement of curriculum within the reform process of higher education in Serbia, together with the development of technological basis for the teaching process, engagement in projects of the Ministry of Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, forming new laboratories and centers at the Faculty.
Additional information
Involvement in teaching activities
Control systems department is responsible for performing teaching activities at Control Systems module.
Control systems department is responsible for performing teaching activities at Control Systems study programme.
Control systems department is responsible for performing teaching activities at Control Systems optional course.

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