


The Department of Telecommunications was founded in 1969 just after the establishment of the Faculty of Electronic Engineering in Niš. Professors Georgije Lukatela, Ilija Stojanović, Ilija Hadži-Nešić, Aleksandar Marinčić, and Husnija Kurtović from the School of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade gave the most significant contribution to the establishment and development of the Department of Telecommunications. Also, Dušan Drajić, Grozdan Petrović, Slobodan Lazović, Miroslava Milošević, Čedomir Živaljević, Rade Petrović enhanced the quality of teaching and research work at the department. A group of lecturers and assistants from the Department of Theoretical Electrical Engineering (Bratislav Milovanović, Miodrag Gmitrović, Vera Marković and Vladan Stanković) started to work at the Department of Telecommunications in 1989. They extended the research work and courses in the area of microwave technique, antennas and electromagnetic wave propagation. Prof. Dr. Ilija Stojanović, Prof. Dr. Ilija Hadži Nešić, Prof. Dr. Rade Petrović, Prof. Dr. Mihajlo Stefanović, Prof. Dr. Bratislav Milovanović, Prof. Dr. Zorica Nikolić, all had the function of the Head of the Department of Telecommunications. Prof. Dr. Vera Marković is the Head of the Department.
The teaching staff of the Department of Telecommunications includes 15 lecturers (8 full professors, 4 associate professors, 3 assistant professors) and 11 associates (6 teaching assistants with Ph.D., 4 teaching assistants with MSc in technical sciences, 1 teaching associate), and 1 laboratory technician.
The department members issued more than 2000 scientific papers (among them around 150 were published in international SCI journals), 11 monographs, 3 chapters in monographs, 7 textbooks, 8 supplementary textbooks and 27 technical solutions. The professors from the Department of Telecommunications have supervised 33 Ph.D. theses and 63 Master theses.
The members of the Department of Telecommunications are reviewers and the editor board members of the eminent international journals for many years. They have also participated in a great number of scientific and technological projects funded by the Ministry of Science and Technological Development, commercial projects financed by external manufacturers and other institutions, and in several international projects (COST, WUS, TEMPUS).
The journal Microwave Review, the leading scientific journal of the national importance, which is a publication of the National Society for Microwave Theory and Technique, has been edited by the members of the Department of Telecommunications since 2002. Also, the department members are involved in editing the TELFOR Journal, founded by the Society for Telecommunications.
The series of biennial International Conferences on Telecommunications in Modern Satellite, Cable and Broadcasting Services – TELSIKS, technically supported by IEEE societies, have been organized by the Department of Telecommunications since 1993. Members of the Department of Telecommunications are also involved in organizing International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies – ICEST, which takes place at the Faculty of Electronic Engineering Niš every third year.

Involvement in teaching activities

Department of Telecommunications is responsible for performing teaching activities at Telecommunications module.

Department of Telecommunications is responsible for performing teaching activities at Communications and Information Technologies study programme.

Department of Telecommunications is responsible for performing teaching activities at Communications and Information Technologies optional course.


Laboratory for Antennas and Propagation
  • Name: Laboratory for Antennas and Propagation
  • Address: Aleksandra Medvedeva 4, 18104 Niš, L400
  • Contact person: Dr Zoran Stanković
  • Total number of employees and collaborators: 6
  • Telephone: +381 18 529 302
  • E-mail:

Current teachers and associates

Dejan Ćirić
Full Professor
PhD Dejan Ćirić
Jelena Nikolić
Associate Professor
PhD Jelena Nikolić
Jelena Anastasov
Teaching Assistant with a PhD
PhD Jelena Anastasov
Nebojša Dončov
Full Professor
PhD Nebojša Dončov
Dejan Milić
Full Professor
PhD Dejan Milić
Jugoslav Joković
Assistant Professor
PhD Jugoslav Joković
Aleksandar Atanasković
Teaching Assistant with a PhD
PhD Aleksandar Atanasković
Zoran Perić
Full Professor
PhD Zoran Perić
Aleksandra Panajotović
Assistant Professor
PhD Aleksandra Panajotović
Predrag Eferica
Teaching Assistant
M.Sc.E.E. Predrag Eferica
Nenad Milošević
Full Professor
PhD Nenad Milošević
Tijana Dimitrijević
Teaching Assistant with a PhD
PhD Tijana Dimitrijević
Daniela Milović
Full Professor
PhD Daniela Milović
Biljana Stošić
Teaching Assistant with a PhD
PhD Biljana Stošić
Nikola Vučić
Teaching Assistant
M.Sc.E.E. Nikola Vučić
Zoran Stanković
Associate Professor
PhD Zoran Stanković
Marija Milijić
Teaching Assistant with a PhD
PhD Marija Milijić

Laboratory technicians

Zoran Đorđević
Lab Technician
Zoran Đorđević


Address: Aleksandra Medvedeva 4, 18104 Niš, Serbia
Phone: +381 (18) 529-105
Fax: +381 (18) 588-399
