The first year of Bachelor Studies at the Faculty of Electronics in Nis is common to all modules. The list of all courses in the first year of studies (first and second semester) can be found on the Basic Academic Studies page.
The module differentiation starts from the second year of study (third semester). The list of all courses on the Control Systems module, as well as a brief description of each of the course, can be found below:
Code: 3OEE3O02
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures:3
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 0
Course outline:Series. Numerical series. Positive and alternative series.Functional series. Potential and Fourier series. Ordinary differential equations. First order differential equations. Differential equation that separates variables. Homogeneous, linear and Bernoulli's differential equation. Second order differential equations. Incomplete and linear differential equation of second order. Multivariable functions. Limiting values and continuity, Partial derivatives and differentials of first and higher orders. Tangent plane. Taylor's formula. Directional derivatives and gradient. Local and conditional extrema. Integrals. Double, triple and curvlinear integrals. Complex analysis. Complex variable functions. Cauchy-riemann conditions. Complex integration. Residue theorem. Laplace transformation. Definition and main properties of the transformation. Inverse transformation.
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OEE3O01
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 3
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:
Diodes and diode circuits. Bipolar transistor, operating point and and load line. Model of bipolar transistors. MOSFET transistor,operating point and and load line. Model MOSFET transistors. Basic amplifier stages with bipolar and MOSFET transistor. Multistage amplifiers. Amplifier with direct coupling. Differential and operational amplifier. Application of operational amplifiers. Negative feedback. Oscillators. Large-signal amplifiers. Rectifiers and voltage regulators.Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OEU3O03
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:Programming techniques overview. Problem definition process. Classes. Objects. Using classes in problem solving. Class definition. Class member access. Scope. The separation of interface and implementation. Inline functions. Constructors. Destructors. The call order of constructors and destructors. Copy constructors. Friend classes. Friend functions. Operator overloading. Side effects and connections between operators. Choosing return values for operators. Implementation, inheritance, specialization, generalization. Definition of inherited class. Access modifiers. Types of the inheritance. Constructors and destructors of inherited classes. Pointers and references. Polymorphism. Virtual functions. Pure virtual functions. Abstract classes. Virtual destructors. Arrays and derived classes. Multiple inheritance. Constructors and destructors in multiple inheritance. Multiple derived objects. Virtual base classes. generic mechanism - templates. Template functions. Template classes. Exception handling. Exception throwing. Exception catching. Uncaught exceptions. Input and output streams. Standard streams. Input stream classes. Input stream objects construction. Input stream operations. Extraction operator overloading. Output streams. Stream insertion operator. Output formatting. Output stream operations. Stream insertion operator overloading. Standard library. Namespaces. Container classes (vectors, lists, stack, queues, maps, sets, ...). Iterators, Algorithms, class String
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OEU3O04
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 1
- Other classes: 2
Course outline:
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OEE4A02
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 1
- Other classes: 2
Course outline:
Basics of measurement theory - metrology. Electrical quantities and measurement units. Standards of measurement units ampere, ohm and volt in MKSA system (etalons and norms). Structural schemes of process for measurement of electrical quantities. Methods for measurement of electrical quantities. Processing of measurement results and measurement uncertainty. Metrological characteristics of electrical measuring resources. Analog and digital measurement instruments. Instrument with the moving coil. Expansion of measurement range for ammeter, voltmeter and ohmmeter. Measuring converters of electrical quantities. Oscilloscopes.
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OEE3O03
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:Specification for the book of courses
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises:2
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OEU4O03
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises:2
- Other classes:1
Course outline:Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OEU4O04
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises:2
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:
Specification for the book of courses
Elective Block UPS1 (minimum 6 ЕCTS)
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 3
- Exercises:2
- Other classes:
Course outline:Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OEU4A02
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 3
- Exercises:2
- Other classes:
Course outline:Linear algebra. Overview of the matrix calculus. Systems of linear equations. Linear dependence. Singular values of the matrix. Norms of matrices and vectors. Rank and definiteness of the matrix. SVD decomposition. Differential equations. Systems of Linear ODE of the first order. Phase portrait. Homogeneous linear systems with constant coefficients. Complex eigenvalues. Nonhomogeneous linear systems. Nonlinear Differential Equations and Stability. Periodic solutions and boundary cycles. Difference equations. Sequence and recurrent relations. Linear difference equation of the first order. Nonlinear difference equations. Diophantine equation. Rational functions. Hurwitz and Schur stable rational functions. Diophantine equation of two variables. Bezout’s equation. Euclidean algorithms. Operator calculus. Laplace transformation. Disrete Laplace transformation. Fourier's transformation. Z-transformation. Complex analysis. Elements of interval arithmetic.
Code: 3OEU5O01
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:Specification for the book of courses
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 1
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OEE5O02
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OEU5O04
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:Overview and history of development of 8-bit microprocessors and microcontrollers. The basic structures of the most famous microcontrollers on the chip. Intel MCS51, Silicon Laboratories C8051Fxxx, Microchip PIC, Atmel AVR, Motorola 68HC. Interfaces of microcontroller. Memory model of basic architecture MCS51. Functional structure: digital input output lines - ports, interrupt system, input output units, timers, serial interfaces. A set of commands and programming at the assembler. Modular programming, segments, modules, translation, linking. Directives, examples of program templates. C programming for microcontrollers. Types of variables, memory model, bit addressing. Pointer in C language. Application of microcontrollers.
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OEP5O01
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 0
- Other classes: 0
Course outline:Specification for the book of courses
Elective Block UPS 2 (minimum 6 ЕСTS)
Code: 3OEU5A01
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises:2
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:Need for simulation. Advantages and limitations of the simulation. Simulation techniques. Overview of simulation applications. Design of simulation models. ODE solvers. Historical overview of software for simulation. Simulation software oriented to models in the form of equations. Simulation tools oriented to block diagrams. Simulation environment user interface. Continuous Linear Systems and Simulation. Discrete Systems and Simulation. Simulation of non-linear systems. Monte Carlo simulation. Application of knowledge-based systems in modeling and simulation. Simulation errors and methods for overcoming them. Specialized software for simulating certain classes of systems. Modeling and simulation in practice.
Specification for the book of courses
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises:2
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:
1. Introduction to databases: basic terms (data, information, database, database management system, database system, database application), conventional data processing and database processing, categorization of database users, benefits and disadvantages, history of development.2. Data models: DBMS abstraction levels, three-schema architecture, the concept of data models and its components. The process of database design.3. Conceptual design of the database, ER model - ER data model, ER concepts, graphical notation (ER diagram), database design using ER model, examples of database design based on requirements.4. Relational model: relational model concepts, structural and integral component, relation schemas, instances, relation keys, constraint specification, defining constraints using SQL DDL commands. Translating conceptual model to relational model.
Code: 3OEU5A03
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises:2
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:
Basic principles of electromechanical energy conversion. Electromechanical conversion devices. Construction: magnetic and electric circuit of electrical machines. Energy balance. Magnetic fields of electrical machines. Transformers. Construction: magnetic and electric circuit. The working principle. Equivalent scheme. Three-phase transformer. DC machines. DC generator. Divide according to the excition. Equivalent scheme. Losses. Degree of efficiency. Characteristics of DC generators. DC motors. Electromotive force and torque. Mechanical characteristics depending on the mode of excitation. Commissioning. Control of DC motor by voltage and flux variations. Actuators for DC motor. Electromagnetic fields for AC machines. Three-phase induction machines. Construction. Divide according to the rotor construction. Realization of the rotating field. Motor and generator operation mode. Electromagnetic torque. Mechanical characteristics (torque - slip). Energy balance. Equivalent scheme. Speed control. Voltage and frequency variation. Static converters (AC/DC/AC). Single-phase induction motors. Synchronous machines. Construction. Principle of motor and generator operation. Electric motors. Characteristics of synchronous motors. Synchronous permanent magnet machines. Control characteristics and application of static converters.
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OEU5A04
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises:1
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:
Getting acquainted with the contents of the course, teachers, associates, the necessary literature and the way of passing the exam. Energy and environment, global energy needs. Production, supply and use of energy. Global warming, climate change, carbon dioxide emissions. Types of renewable and non-renewable energy sources. Overview of the situation in the world, the European Union and Serbia. Solar thermal energy. Types and characteristics of solar thermal collectors. Types of solar thermal systems. Solar photovoltaic energy. Types of solar cells and their electrical characteristics. Types of photovoltaic systems. Wind energy, basic parameters of air flow. Basics and types of wind turbines. Turbine power curve. Parts of the system. Environmental and economic parameters. Hydroenergy - resources, power of water, estimation of available energy, types of turbines and systems. Small hydropower plants - types and constructions. Biomass energy: characteristics, technologies and systems for the use of biomass. Dedicated biomass production. Biochemical processes of production (ethanol, biodiesel, biogas). Fuel cells and hydrogen energy. Geothermal energy: types of geothermal resources, resources, technologies and systems for exploitation. Nuclear energy: the processes of obtaining nuclear energy, nuclear fuel. Energy storage. Techno-economic analysis of renewable energy technologies and their applications. Legislation.
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OEE7O02
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises:1
- other classes:2
Course outline:
Principles of wireless communication, architectures of radio transmitters and receivers, resonant circuits, passive and active elements in RF circuits, transmission lines, Smith chart, S parameters, design of low-noise amplifiers, matching circuits, design of RF filters, oscillators and PLL, frequency mixers, RF power amplifiers, amplitude modulation, frequency modulation.
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OEU5A06
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises:2
- other classes:1
Course outline:
The transmission of information. Digitization of the signal. Fundamentals of modulation techniques. Transfer of spread spectrum signals. Multiplex signal transmission. Fundamentals of signal compression. Information recording. Fundamentals of coding techniques. Wireless communication systems. Satellite communications. Global Positioning System (GPS).
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OEU5A07
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises:2
- other classes:1
Course outline:
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OEU6O01
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
- other classes: 1
Course outline:General concepts of processes. Types of processes. Features of the process. Economic aspects of process control. Classical methods of control. Program control. Sequential process control. The application of computer technology in the process control. Real time computer controled systems. Application of microprocessors and microcomputers. Application of programmable logic controllers. Application of computers in automatization of complex processes. Hierarchical process control. Fuzzy control of processes. Type of controllers. Methods for setting PID controller parameters Application of orthogonal polynomials in the examination of the sensitivity of various systems.
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OEU6O02
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
- other classes: 0
Course outline:Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OEU6O03
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
- other classes: 0
Course outline:Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OEP6O01
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 0
- other classes: 0
Course outline:Linguistic units related to the most relevant areas of electrotechnology and computing. Acquiring professional expert terminology, syntactic and morphological features of this domain language. Work on academic English language, rhetorical structures that are characteristic of the discourse of electrotechnology.
Specification for the book of courses
Elective Block UPS 3 (minimum 3 ECTS)
Code: 3OEU6A01
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises:1
- other classes:1
Course outline:
Basic methods of measurements, static and dynamic characteristics. Measurement of linear and angular displacements. Measurement of acceleration and vibration. Measurement of force and moment. Measurement of pressure, level and flow. Temperature measurement by contact and contactless methods. Measurement of humidity and pH values, testing and calibration of sensors, transducers used in the automotive industry.
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OEU6A02
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises:1
- other classes:1
Course outline:
Specification for the book of courses
Elective Block UPS 4 (minimum 6 ECTS)
Code: 3OEU6B01
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises:1
- other classes:1
Course outline:
Modeling of physical systems. Variation methods and energy functions. Variation principle for statics. Variation principle for dynamics. Hamilton's principle and Lagrange-Euler equations for mechanical, electrical and electromechanical systems. Incremental electromechanical converter models. Application of Lagrange-Euler equations in the modeling of electric machines. Introduction to system modeling with discrete events.
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OER6O02
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises:2
- other classes:1
Course outline:
Introduction and the need for software engineering. Models of software development. Software processes. Agile software development. Basic activities in the management of software projects. Requirements engineering methods. Software Architectures. Software design. Principles of software development. Validation and verification. Systematic software testing. Software metrics. Software maintenance and evolution.
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OEU6B03
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises:1
- other classes:2
Course outline:
Transducers, calibration, linearization and sensor connection. Classification of sensors. Sensors for measurement of movement, linear and angular motion. Accelerators, forces and torque sensors. Sensors for measuring pressure, level and flow of fluids. Temperature sensors and radiometric thermometers. Sensors of humidity, smoke and other non-electrical quantities. Sensors for measuring angular velocity, pressure in car tires, light and rain sensors. Actuators and their characteristics. Connection of sensors, transducers and actuators. Realization of measurement and control systems based on computers and microcontrollers.
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OEU6B04
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises:1
- other classes:2
Course outline:
Electromedical measurement systems and their characteristics. Biopotential amplifiers and isolation amplifiers. Electronic devices for recording and measuring biopotentials (electromyography, electrocardiograph, electroencephalograph, etc.). Measurement of pulse, blood pressure and blood flow. Measurement of other quantities on the human body. Protecting the patient from the effect of electricity.
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OEE6O03
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises:2
- other classes:1
Course outline:
Introduction to power electronics. Components of power electronics (diode, bipolar transistor, thyristor, MOSFET, IGBT). Application technique of power components (cooling, protection, joint operation of components). Basic circuits with diodes and thyristors. AC voltage controllers. Natural and forced commutation. Sources of DC voltage (diode rectifiers, thyristor rectifiers).
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OEK7O01
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises:2
- other classes:1
Course outline:
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OEK6O02
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises:2
- other classes:1
Course outline:
Overview of the system for the transmission and information recording. Discrete memoryless and memory information sources. Continuous source. Entropy of the information source. Basics of compression. Compression Algorithms - Chenon-Fano Process, Huffman's Code, Lempel-Zive Code. Channels for information transmission. Transformation. Channel capacity. Arimoto-Blahut algorithm. error correction coding. Linear block codes. Cyclic codes. Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC). Convolutional codes. Viterb's algorithm. Software implementation of encoding and decoding of block and convolution codes. Estimation of code gain using Monte Carlo simulations. Principles of iterative decoding. Record information on hard disk and flash memory. Data storage centers. Introduction to cryptology. Examples of interdisciplinary application of Information Theory.
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OEK6O06
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises:2
- other classes:1
Course outline:
History of cable and fiber-optic communication systems' development. Telecommunication cables with metal conductors. Principles of light transmission in optical fibers. Optical Cables. Break detection on optical fibers. Structure of fiber optical communication systems. Optical links. Optical networks. Hybrid fiber-coaxial systems. Structured cabling. Basic principles of design of cable and fiber-optic systems. Design of optical infrastructure for computer networks.
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OEP4O02
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises:2
- other classes:1
Course outline:
Introduction, classification and definition of the basic concepts. Technical and electrical regulations. Technical documentation. General characteristics of electrical installations in buildings, classification and general calculations. Basic components for electrical, tools and equipment. Project design and notification. Verification of the designed lighting devices. Illumination and photometric measurements.The procedures and method of verification features, performance and quality installations. Electrical installation of "intelligent" objects.Labs: Exercises measuring electrical quantities; demonstration software for lighting design, preparation of project design of electrical installations.
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OEU6B10
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises:2
- other classes:1
Course outline:
Integral and differential form of Maxwell's equations. Maxwell's equations in the complex domain. Electromagnetic properties of materials. Boundary conditions. Electrostatics. Stationary and time-varying electromagnetic field. Analytical methods for calculation of the electromagnetic fields - method of separation of variables, conformal mapping. Numerical methods for calculation of electromagnetic fields - finite different method, finite element method (FEM), finite difference time domain method (FDTD), equivalent electrodes method (EEM). Electromagnetic field potentials in the homogenous media. Poynting's theorem. Plane-wave propagation (in vacuum, dielectrics, imperfect conductors, ferrites and layered media). Wave polarization. Propagation of electromagnetic fields. Fresnel's coefficients. TEM, TE and TM guided waves. Electromagnetic radiation and antennas.
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OEU7O01
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises:2
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:Specification for the book of courses
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 1
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:
Introduction to Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC). Input output devices. Processing of input-output signals. Programming programmable logic controllers. Scan cycle-execute program. Leder diagrams, list of commands, function blocks. Logical functions. Examples. PLC Components. Internal relays. Timers. Counters. Shift registers. Data processing. Development phase of programs for PLC. Testing and troubleshooting. Application of current PLC systems of various manufacturers (Simens, Omron, Micubisi, Alen Bredli, Schnieder Electric). Example of PLC application in the management of distributed management systems.
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OEU7O03
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes:0
Course outline:The geometry of robot. Kinematic model of robot. Differential kinematics. Robot drive systems. Electric, hydraulic and pneumatic drive. Systems for transmission of driving torque. Robot dynamics. Model of the robot dynamics. Analysis of modeled and non-modeled effects. Simulation of the robot. Trajectory planning. Synthesis of trajectories in the internal and external coordinates. Sensors in robotics. Executive bodies of the robot. Control in the internal coordinates. Control in the external coordinates. Inverse kinematic and dynamic control. Position and power control. Intelligent management. Planning activities. Functional architecture of the control system. The application of robots. The introduction of robots in manufacturing. Service robots. Automatic guided vehicles. Robots in service, medical and cosmic applications.
Specification for the book of courses
Elective Block UPS 5 (minimum 5 ECTS)
Code: 3OEU7A01
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises:2
- Other classes: 0
Course outline:Introduction to optimal control. Formulation of optimal control task. Cost functions. Necessary and sufficient conditions for optimality. Unconstrained optimization methods. Optimization with constraints. Lagrange multipliers and Hamiltonian function. Classical calculus of variations. The Euler-Lagrange equation and transversality conditions. Maximum principle. Principle of optimality and dynamic programming. Continuous-time LQR problem. Separation principle and observers in optimal control systems. Examples.
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OEU7A02
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises:2
- Other classes: 0
Course outline:
Optimal control systems. Criteria functions. Parameter optimization. LQR design. LQR with predefined degree of exponential stability. Design of observer. Digital LQR. Kalman's estimator. The notion of predictive control. LQR and predictive control (comparison). Main components of predictive control (prediction, receding horizon, system models, performance index, constraints). Predictive model of a system in the state space. Predictive model of a system in the form of transfer function. Generalized Predictive Control (GPC). Dynamic Matrix Control (DMC). Constraints and optimization.
Specification for the book of courses
Elective Block UPS 6 (minimum 5ECTS)
Code: 3OEU7B01
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises:1
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:
Introduction to computer based measurement systems; basic block diagrams of one- and multi-channel measurement systems; measurements signals multiplexing; transducers and sensors in modern industrial measurement systems; development trends of sensors; integrated and smart sensors; intelligent measurement modules; measurement signal and data transmission; signal conditioning circuits; two-wire transmitters; methods and systems for signal-to-noise ratio improvement; standard communication interfaces; explosion-proof instruments; grounding and shielding in automotive measurement systems, distributed measurement systems and connection to the Internet; automotive applications of telemetry systems; virtual instrumentation and LabVIEW software; industrial telemetry systems; test engineering; display, recording and presentation of measurement data.
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OEU7B02
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises:1
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:
Basics of electronic measurement instruments, measurement of time period, frequency and phase. Analog to digital converters. Isolation and grounding in measurement systems. Measurements of high voltages and currents. Measurement transformers. Measurement of power and energy. Measurements in three-phase systems. Measurement of quality of electrical energy. Virtual instrumants in energetics. Measurements of non-electrical quantities, temperature, force, position, angular speed and momentum of the force.
Specification for the book of courses
Elective Block UPS 7 (minimum 5ECTS)
Code: 3OER5O05
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises:2
- other classes:1
Course outline:
Web as Internet's multimedia service. Protocols. Basics of HTML 5 and CSS. EcmaScript 6+. Object oriented concepts of ES. Asynchronous programming and Ajax communication. Server technologies: ASP.NET Core, PHP. XML and JSON. REST and SOAP Web services. Web Sockets and push mechanism.
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OEU7C02
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises:2
- other classes:1
Course outline:
Notion and definition of a servo-system. Servo systems types and structures. Operating accuracy. Feedforward compensation. Disturbance estimation and compensation methods. Frequency domain servo system design using phase compensators and PID controllers. Digital implementation of control algorithms. Methods of numerical integration, Discrete equivalents of analogue filters and controllers. Realizations of digital controllers and filters. Digital signal processors (DSP) and their architecture. DSP peripherals intended for servo system realizations.
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OEE7C04
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises:2
- other classes:1
Course outline:
Types of power electronic converters (AC/DC, DC/DC, DC/AC, AC/AC). DC converters (DC/DC). One-quadrant and multi-quadrant converters. Realisation methods of converters. Thyristor converters. Inverters (DC/AC). Types of inverters. Voltage inverters (single-phase and polyphase). Current inverters. Resonant inverters. AC converters (AC/AC). Cycloconverters. Matrix converters. Application of convertors in powering of DC and AC motors. Application of converters in production, transmission and distribution of electricity.
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OEU7C04
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 3
- Exercises: 2
- other classes: 0
Course outline:Mathematical logics. Propositional calculus. Propositional functions. Coexistency and logical consequences. Normal forms. Sets. Representations. Operations on sets. Principle of sum. Principle of inclusion-exclusion. Partitive sets. Cartesian product. Principle of product. Relations. Matrix representations. Oredring relations. Equivalence relations.Lexicographical ordering. Functions. Principles of injection, surjection, bijection and complemet. Dirichlet principle. Sequences. Generatrisa functions. Recurrent sequences. Solving linear recurrente relations. Fibonacchi, Catalan and Stirling numbers. Finite differences and summs. Permanent. Computation and properties. Permanent matrix in special form. Sistems of different representatives. Integers. Divisibility. GCD. Euclid algorithm. Diophantine equations. Modular equations. Chinese remider theorem. Euler funtion. Litttle Ferma theorem. Modular arithmetics. Graphs. Representations. Components of graph. Paths. Connectivity. Transitive closure. Isomorphism. Trees. Planar graphs. Graph coloring.
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OEE7C05
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
- other classes: 0
Course outline:Getting acquainted with the contents of the course, teachers, associates, the necessary literature and the way of passing the exam. Historical overview of the development of solar technology. Solar energy. Characteristics of solar radiation, spectrum of solar radiation. Photovoltaic effect. Absorption of light and generation of carriers. Photovoltaic conversion mechanisms. Solar cell. Principle of operation, electrical characteristics, electrical and optical losses, models of solar cells. Technologies for the production of solar cells, types of solar cells. New Materials and Trends in Solar Cell Development. Solar cells based on monocrystalline silicon. Highly efficient solar cell. Thin-layer solar cells on amorphous Si, Ga-As, Cu-In-Se2. Characterization of solar cells. Modeling and simulation of the technological array for the production and electrical characteristics of solar cells using TCAD software packages. Photovoltaic systems. System components, system types. Independent, hybrid and network-connected photovoltaic systems. Efficiency and basic characteristics of photovoltaic systems. PVSyst - a program for dimensioning, designing and optimizing photovoltaic systems. Design of autonomous photovoltaic systems using the PVSyst program. Designing hybrid and network-connected photovoltaic systems using the PVSyst program. Realization, monitoring and maintenance of photovoltaic systems. Techno-economic analysis of solar technologies and their application. Legislation.
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OEM7O02
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
- other classes: 1
Course outline:Technology of printed circuit board production. SMD assembly technology components. Single and double sided boards. Electromechanical design. Software packages for electrical and mechanical design. 3D modeling of components, printed boards and enclosures. Design rules. Layout of the components on the board. Model exchange between ECAD and MCAD package. Design for production. Introduction to the product data management and collaborative design.More details in: D. Danković, Lj. Vračar, A. Prijić, Z. Prijić, „An Electromechanical Approach to a Printed Circuit Board Design Course“, IEEE Trans. Education, Vol. 56, No. 4, pp. 470-477, 2013.
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OEE7C01
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 1
- other classes: 1
Course outline:Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OEE5B01
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises:1
- other classes:1
Course outline:
Definition and basic structures of the data collection system. General measurement principles, data domains. Types of acquisition system. Basic building blocks of the system. Sensors and converters. Calibration and linearization techniques. Analog multiplexers, Signal conditioning. Encryption and quantization. Dosing Theory. Converters errors. Converters architecture (ADC, DAC, Sigma-Delta). Testing converters. Cross-coupling. Reference sources, clock signal generators. Examples of application of the system for collecting and conveying signals: Precision signal conditioning; Digital potentiometer; Digital audio; Digital video displays; Software radio; Direct digital synthesis. AD and DA converters and interfaces. User interfaces - Keyboards and displays. Telemetry.
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OEE5O05
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises:2
- other classes:1
Course outline:
Components of the image processing system. Photometry, acquisition and digitalization of the image. Image enhancement in the spatial domain. Image enhancement in the frequency domain. Image restoration. Color image processing. Morphological image processing. Image segmentation.
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OEK5O06
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises:2
- other classes:1
Course outline:
Types of wireless communication systems. Frequency plan. EM radiation. Antennas. The parameters of the antenna. Propagation of electromagnetic waves through the atmosphere. Friss transmission equation. Tropospheric refraction. Reflections from the ground. Diffraction effects. Fresnel zone. Absorption and scattering in the atmosphere. Fading - types, causes, mitigation of this phenomenon on the link. Thermal noise, equivalent noise temperature, noise figure. Fixed microwave links. Microwave link budget. Multiple path propagation. Typical examples of wireless communication systems (mobile, satellite, computer networks).
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OEK5O04
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises:2
- other classes:1
Course outline:
Introduction. History of telecommunication networks. Types of networks. The layered architecture. Functions and data link layer protocols and network layer. Examples of multiple access applications in LAN and MAN networks. Routing in telecommunication networks. TCP and IP protocols. Industrial networks. CAN protocol.
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3ОЕU7C12
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises:2
- other classes:1
Selection of an electric motor by means of equivalent methods. Drive characteristics with DC motors. Mathematical models, steady state characteristics, equivalent scheme. Electrical braking. Methods for analysis of dynamic states. State space method. Transfer function. Combined control: flux and voltage variation. Application of DC converters. Drives with induction motors and synchronous permanent magnet motors. Basic equations. The influence of voltage and frequency variation. Electrical braking. Steady state characteristics. Application of the inverter. Control methods. Coordinate transformations and their applications in induction and synchronous machines. Dynamic equivalent scheme. Identification and estimation of drive parameters. The influence of the actuator on the dynamics of the drive. Voltage and current supply. Scalar and vector control methods. Configuration of regulated drives.
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OEE7C04
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises:2
- other classes:0
Course outline:
Sources of electromagnetic disturbances (natural and artificial). Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and electromagnetic interference (EMI). EMC requirements, standards and directives in different fields. Limits and benefits of EMC principles application. Design of circuits and devices according to EMC requirements. Levels of disturbances. Coupling via electromagnetic fields and conductive paths. Types of electromagnetic coupling. Absorption, reflection and penetration depth of EM waves. EMC equipment, chambers and methods of testing. Faraday cage, reverberation, anechoic and semianechoic chamber, TEM and GTEM cells. Principles and techniques for the design of devices and systems. Choice of configurations and components according to EMC. Separation. Shielding (shielding efficiency, holes and slots in the shields, transfer impedance). Grounding. Filtering. Non-ideal behavior of passive components and selection according to EMC principles. Cables, connectors, protection of contacts. Ferrite chokes. Reduction of harmonics in order to improve the power quality. Electrostatic discharge. Practical examples of solving EMC problems.
Specification for the book of courses
Elective Block UPS 8 (minimum 3 ECTS)
Code: 3OEE7A01
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises:0
- Other classes: 0
Course outline:
Basic elements of communication. The structure of the communicative process. Types of communication. Communication aspects of business relationships. Basic rules and principles in business negotiations. Business Negotiation Technology. Basic features of business communication. Public Relations. Press conference. Leadership. Biography. Business etiquette. Internet and e-commerce. Forms of electronic business. Risk and security of e-business. The influence of the Internet on the design and development of contemporary society. European legal framework for electronic communications. Legal and ethical business problems on the Internet. Privacy protection.
Code: 3OEE7A02
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises:0
- other classes:0
Course outline:
Engineering, engineerng ethics and the relevance of ethics in technics and society. Ethical education of engineers. Assumptions of engineering ethics. Social norms, moral and law. Ethical aspect of team work. Ethical codex and engineering moral practice. Forming engineering ethics and moral responsibility. Tesla's engineering ethics. Ethical codex of IEEE members.
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3ОЕU7D03
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises:0
- other classes:0
Course outline:
Engineering, engineerng ethics and the relevance of ethics in technics and society. Ethical education of engineers. Assumptions of engineering ethics. Social norms, moral and law. Ethical aspect of team work. Ethical codex and engineering moral practice. Forming engineering ethics and moral responsibility. Tesla's engineering ethics. Ethical codex of IEEE members.
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OEU7D04
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises:1
- other classes:0
Course outline:
Innovation. Phases in the innovation process. Activities oriented towards the product development process. Market research. Developing a business model (Customers and proposed value, Product distribution channels, Income flows, Key resources, Key activities, Key partners, Cost structure, Business model validation, Customer profile, Value map, Customer pains, Customer gains, Overlapping of problems and solutions. Planning and control of finances. Basic revenue models.). Validation of the business model. Start-up. Methods of financing start-ups. Pitch-presentation. Marketing. Intellectual property. Patents and patent documentation.
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OEU8O01
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises:2
- other classes:1
Course outline:
Introduction to SCADA systems. Definition and elements of the SCADA system. History of the SCADA system. Real time systems. Remote control. Communication with SCADA system. How to connect with SCADA. Control and management using the SCADA system. Application of SCADA system in distributed control systems-systems for water supply, petro-chemistry, electric power systems, district heating systems. SCADA user interface. Economic indicators of SCADA application in industrial plants. Examples.
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OEU8O02
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises:1
- other classes:1
Course outline:
Introduction to artificial intelligence. History of artificial intelligence. Intelligent agents. Basics of neural networks. Classification of neural networks. Basic properties of neural networks. Application of neural networks. Learning Algorithms for Neural Networks. Application of neural networks. Control algorithms based on neural networks. Classification of search and optimization procedures. Genetic algorithms. Minimizing the fitness function. Operators in genetic algorithms (selection, mutations, crossover). The influence of different parameters on the performance of the genetic algorithm. Fuzzy sets. Fuzzy logic. Linguistic variables. Mechanism of the fuzzy concluding phase. Fuzzification and defuzzification. Mamdani and Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems. Fuzzy control systems. Examples of design and implementation of the fuzzy control in industrial processes.
Specification for the book of courses
Elective Block UPS 9 (minimum 5 ECTS)
Code: 3OEU8A01
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises:2
- other classes:1
Course outline:
Introduction to vehicle control and basis of systems control engineering. Applications of dynamical control systems. Assistance systems in commercial vehicles. Development of control systems for automotive applications. Power steering (EPS, EHPS). Integrated vehicle (body) control. Suspension control. Introduction to traction and brake control (ESP, ESC, DSC, ABS). Advanced control algorithms designed and applied in automotive applications.
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OER6A05
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises:2
- other classes:1
Course outline:
Introduction to mobile systems, applications and services. Mobile computing/communication devices, wireless networks and protocols. Mobile operating systems, platforms and software environments for development of mobile applications and services. Architecture and design of mobile application and services. Mobile Web, hybrid and cross-platform applications. Mobile user interfaces and interaction with mobile application. Data management in mobile applications and mobile databases. Mobile positioning and location-based services. Sensor data processing and context-aware services. Privacy and security in mobile application and services. Mobile messaging and ad-hoc communication. Contemporary mobile applications and services: mobile commerce and business, mobile navigation systems, mobile tourist guides, mobile healthcare, mobile games, emergency and crisis management, etc.
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OER6A01
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises:1
- other classes:1
Course outline:
Introduction to the Internet of Things (IoT). IoT Ecosystem. IoT Architecture. Microcomputer System Architecture. Microcontrollers. Introduction to the Microcontroller Programming. I/O Devices, Sensors and Actuators. Communications and Information. Non-IP Based WPAN Communication. IP-Based WPAN and WLAN Communication. Long-Range Communication Systems. Infrastructural Devices. IoT Protocols. Cloud and Fog Technologies. Data Analysis and Machine Learning in the Cloud and in the Fog. IoT Security and Privacy. Designing the IoT system. IoT Applications. Philosophy of Information and Ethics of IoT Technologies.
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OEU8A04
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises:2
- other classes:1
Course outline:
Quality system for working and living environment. Ecological systems. Sources of harmfulness in the living, working and industrial environment. Modern transducers and sensors used in ecology. Measurement of physical and chemical parameters of water, air and soil. Measurement systems for monitoring and collecting data from the living environment. Measurement of radiation and electromagnetic pollution. Noise and vibration. Measurement of microclimate parameters. Measurement of meteorological parameters. Meteorological measuring and information systems. Wireless sensor networks in ecology. Internet of things and its application in environmental monitoring.
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3ОЕУ8А05
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises:2
- other classes:1
Course outline:
The cycle of designing and manufacturing electronic devices. Quality control system. Procedures and standards for testing. Measurement of components and circuit characteristics. Defect models. Measurements in the development phase. Design for easier testing. Testing analog, digital and mixed signal circuits. Testing PCBs. Test adapters. Modern measuring equipment and hadware for testing (Automatic Test Equipment - ATE). Software tools to support the testing process, TestStand. Virtual instrumentation, LabVIEW testing software. Examples of test plans in product development and in production.
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OEU8A06
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises:2
- other classes:1
Course outline:
Definition of electrical power quality term. Basic measuring parameters and electrical power quality disturbances. Standards for measurement of electrical power quality. Measuring devices and equipment for measurement of electrical power quality. Methods and techniques for measurement of electrical power quality parameters. Methods and equipment for testing the devices for measurement of electrical power quality. Solutions of acquisition system for testing the devices for measurement of electrical power quality, based on using of virtual instrumentation and LabVIEW software.
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OER4A04
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises:2
- other classes:1
Course outline:
Random events. Definition of probability. Conditional probability and independence of events. Total probability rule and Bayes' formula. Random variables. Distribution function. Numerical characteristics of random variables. Mathematical expectation, moments, dispersion, standard deviation. Chebyshev's inequality and the rule of "three sigma". Characteristic functions and properties. Distribution of discrete and continuous random variables. Central limit theorem. Basic concepts of statistics. Population and random sample, Central Statistics Theorem. Displaying statistical data from a sample. Statistical distributions. Parameter estimation and efficiency ratings. Confidence intervals.Linear regression and correlation.
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3ОЕУ8А08
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises:1
- other classes:1
Course outline:
The biopotential sources. The electrical conduction system the heart. Standard ECG leads. The EEG, EMG and ECG devices. Bio-potential amplifiers. Instrumentational biopotential amplifier. The band pass of frequency characteristic of biopotential amplifiers. The process of filtering of biopotential signals (the design of high pass filters, active and passive band-pass filters, higher harmonic attenuation circuits). Detection of pacemaker circuits. Slew rate limiting circuits. Hardware for biomedical signal processing. The digital filter design for biomedical signals. The reliability and safety of medical electronic devices. The analog and digital signal isolation using optocouplers. The medical supply design.
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OEE8B03
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises:2
- other classes:1
Course outline:
Types of power supply. Linear power supplies. Direct converters. Converters with insulation. Control methods of switching supplies. Power supply systems. Centralized and decentralized power supplies. Grounding of a system. Voltage balance. Uninterruptible power supplies (UPS). Elements of a system. Batteries and accumulators. Methods of implementation. Methods of regulation and control.
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OEE8B02
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises:2
- other classes:1
Course outline:
Introduction to thermal imaging. Theory of infrared radiation. Detection of infrared radiation and temperature measurement. Devices for temperature measurement. Operation principle and types of thermal imaging cameras. Practical aspects of thermal imaging cameras. Application of thermal imaging in a preventive maintenance and testing in various areas. Processing and analysis of thermal images.
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OEU8A11
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises:2
- other classes:1
Course outline:
Introduction. Shift keying (FSK, PSK, MSK, ASK, QAM). Multilevel modulation schemes. Pseudorandom carrier modulations. Pseudorandom sequences and their properties. Modulation with direct sequence (DS) and frequency hopping (FH). Principles of synchronization. Basic principles of OFDM technique. Synchronization and channel estimation in OFDM systems.
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OEK6O03
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 3
- Exercises:1
- other classes:1
Course outline:
History of optical communications. Geometrical and wave optics, Types and characteristics of optical fibers, waveguiding, modes. Coupling with light sources and detectors. Attenuation and disperssion, fiber bandwidth. Fabrication of optical fibers. Devices and measurement techniques. Generating and modulation of optical carrier. Signal detection. Optical amplifiers. Link noise, quantum limit, and performance. Criteria of power and bandwidth. Coherent receivers and superquantum limit.
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OEZ8SP
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 0
- Exercises:0
- other classes:0
Course outline:
The content of the professional practice is in full compliance with the objectives of the practice. The student learns the structure of the company and the goals of its business, adjusts his/her own engagement to the corresponding study area and duly fulfills his/her work obligations in accordance with the duties of the employees in the company. The student describes his own engagement during the professional practice and gives a critical insight in his/her own experience, knowledge and skills gained in practice.
Specification for the book of course
Code: 3OEZ8IR
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 0
- Exercises:0
- other classes:0
- scientific work: 4
Course outline:
It is formed individually in accordance with the needs of a concrete graduate-master work, its complexity and structure. According to his affinities and preferences, the student chooses the field of study work or the subject teacher from the list of teachers in the study program, which defines the specific task. The student studies professional literature, professional and scientific papers dealing with similar topics, performs analyzes in order to find a solution for a concrete task, or perform certain experiments in the laboratory. The study includes active monitoring of primary knowledge, organization and performance of experiments, numerical simulations and statistical data processing, preparation of seminar work from the narrow scientific-scientific field, which is the topic of independent research work.
Code: 3OEZ8ZR
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 0
- Exercises:0
- other classes:0
Course outline:
The final paper represents an independent research, practical or theoretical methodological work of the student in accordance with the level of studies, in which he becomes acquainted with some narrow area through the literature review and adopts methodology of research or designing necessary for the production of the paper. By making the paper, the student applies the practical and theoretical knowledge acquired during the studies. In written form, as a rule, the paper contains an introductory chapter, a definition of the problem, an overview of areas and existing solutions, a proposal and a description of its own solution, a conclusion and literature. A public oral defense of the paper is organized in front of a commission of three members, one of which is a mentor of the paper. During the oral defense, the candidate explains the results of his paper, and then answers the questions of the members of the commission, whereby the candidate demonstrates the ability of the oral presentation of the project.
Specification for the book of courses