Specific objectives are: gaining knowledge for design, building, maintenance, and exploitation of a facility on today's development level, as well as the knowledge for the application of new technologies and modern trends in electric power engineering: renewable energy resources, energy-efficient devices, electric vehicles and similar.
The module differentiation starts from the second year of study (third semester). The list of all courses on the Electrical Power Engineering module, as well as a brief description of each of the course, can be found below:
2. year
III semester
Code: 3OEP3O01
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 0
Course outline:Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3ОЕP3О02
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 3
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 0
Course outline:Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3ОЕP3О03
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 1
- Other classes: 2
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3ОЕP3О04
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:The basic laws and principles of electromechanical energy conversion. Magnetic and electric circuit of electrical machines. Power balance of general machines. Equations of motion. Electromagnetic torque. Examples of single and multiple excitation system. The working principle of the basic types machines. Magnetic field of DC and AC machines. Magnetic forces. Windings of electric machines. Electromotive forces. Mechanical characteristics. DC machines. Synchronous machines. Inductions machines. Power transformers.
Specification for the book of courses
Elective Block 1 (6 ECTS minimum)
Code: 3OEE3O01
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 3
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 1
Diodes and diode circuits. Bipolar transistor, operating point and and load line. Model of bipolar transistors. MOSFET transistor,operating point and and load line. Model MOSFET transistors. Basic amplifier stages with bipolar and MOSFET transistor. Multistage amplifiers. Amplifier with direct coupling. Differential and operational amplifier. Application of operational amplifiers. Negative feedback. Oscillators. Large-signal amplifiers. Rectifiers and voltage regulators.
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OEU3O03
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 1
Programming techniques overview. Problem definition process. Classes. Objects. Using classes in problem solving. Class definition. Class member access. Scope. The separation of interface and implementation. Inline functions. Constructors. Destructors. The call order of constructors and destructors. Copy constructors. Friend classes. Friend functions. Operator overloading. Side effects and connections between operators. Choosing return values for operators. Implementation, inheritance, specialization, generalization. Definition of inherited class. Access modifiers. Types of the inheritance. Constructors and destructors of inherited classes. Pointers and references. Polymorphism. Virtual functions. Pure virtual functions. Abstract classes. Virtual destructors. Arrays and derived classes. Multiple inheritance. Constructors and destructors in multiple inheritance. Multiple derived objects. Virtual base classes. generic mechanism - templates. Template functions. Template classes. Exception handling. Exception throwing. Exception catching. Uncaught exceptions. Input and output streams. Standard streams. Input stream classes. Input stream objects construction. Input stream operations. Extraction operator overloading. Output streams. Stream insertion operator. Output formatting. Output stream operations. Stream insertion operator overloading. Standard library. Namespaces. Container classes (vectors, lists, stack, queues, maps, sets, ...). Iterators, Algorithms, class String
Specification for the book of courses
IV semester
The name of the course: Power transformers
Code: 3OEP4O01
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:
Power transformers construction and principle of operation. Basic concepts of magnetic circuits. Single-phase transformer. Equivalent circuit. Parameters. Power losses and efficiency. No-load and Short-circuit tests. Windings connections. Paralel operations. Autotransformers. Special transformers. Instrument transformers. Transformers heating. Unsymmetrical operation. Transients. Overvoltages. Basics of power transformers design. Maintance and testing.
Specification for the book of courses
The name of the course: Electrical instalations and lighting
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 3
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3ОЕP4О03
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 3
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 0
- ECTS: 6
Electromagnetic field. Integral and local form of Maxwell's equations. Electromagnetic properties of materials. Boundary conditions. Electromagnetic field potentials. Wave equation. Continuity equation. Electromagnetic problems classification in regards to time dependence. Poynting's theorem. Superposition principle. Quasi-stationary image theory in conducting and dielectric mirror. Electrodes systems and their parameters. Average potential method. Estimation method. Stationary current field. Image theory in finitely conducting mirror. Examples of grounding systems. Static electromagnetic field. Quasi-stationary image theory for a boundary surface between two media of different magnetic permeabilities, i.e. specific conductivities. Permanent magnet calculation. Electrostatic field energy. Quasi-stationary magnetic field energy. Neumann's formula, internal, external, dynamic and static inductance. Capacitance and inductance per unit length of the three-phase transmission line. Skin effect in conductors of circular cross-section.
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OEP4O04
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 1
- ECTS: 6
Course outline:
Specification for the book of courses
Elective Block 2 (6 ECTS minimum)
Code: 3ОEP4А01
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures:2
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 1
- ECTS: 6
Introduction to materials science. Prognosis of materials’ properties. Fundamentals of materials physics. Materials structure, properties and technology . Electronic structure. Methods in materials science. Symmetry in solid objects in nature. Fractals, Phase diagrams. Thermodynamic processes. Conductive materials for energy applications. Semiconducting materials and technologies. Ceramics for electronics. Ferroelectric materials. Dielectric materials. Magnetic materials. Intelligent materials for sensors and transducers. The application of electronic materials in electronic components for energy applications.
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OEP4A02
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 1
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:
Basics of electronic measurement instruments, measurement of time period, frequency and phase. Analog to digital converters. Isolation and grounding in measurement systems. Measurements of high voltages and currents. Measurement transformers. Measurement of power and energy. Measurements in three-phase systems. Measurement of quality of electrical energy. Virtual instrumants in energetics. Measurements of non-electrical quantities, temperature, force, position, angular speed and momentum of the force.
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3ОEP4А03
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 1
- Other classes: 2
Course outline:
Concept of dynamic system model. Model classification. Graphic modeling techniques. Principles of forming mathematical models. Types of mathematical models. Examples of mathematical models. Design of mathematical models of mechanical, hydraulic, thermal, chemical and technological processes. Linearization of nonlinear elements. Validation and model verification techniques. Methods of simulation. Design of simulation models. Simulation tools. Mathematical basis of digital simulation. Simulation errors and methods for overcoming them. Application of simulation in identification, design and optimization of systems of automatic control. Modeling and simulation of artificial intelligence and intelligent systems.
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:Specification for the book of courses
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:Specification for the book of courses
3. year
V semester
Code: 3OEP5O01
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 0
- Other classes: 0
Course outline:Specification for the book of courses
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 3
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 0
Course outline:Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3ОЕP5О03
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 3
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 0
Course outline:Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3ОЕP5О04
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 3
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 0
Course outline:
Specification for the book of courses
Elective Block 3 (5 ECTS minimum)
Code: 3OEP5A01
The number of classes per week:
- предавања: 2
- вежбе: 2
- други облици наставе: 0
Градиво:Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3ОEП5А02
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 1
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OEU5O02
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 1
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:Specification for the book of courses
Elective Block 4 (6 ECTS minimum)
Code: 3OEP5B01
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 1
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:Power quality in up to date electric power systems. Power quality indices: voltage variations, frequency variations, unbalance, transients, voltage sags, voltage swells, short interruptions, overvoltages, undervoltages, interruptions, harmonics, interharmonics, notches, flicker and noise. Sources of particular power quality indices. Damages due to disrupted power quality and actions for the maintenance of desired power quality. Standards regarding power quality.
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3ОЕП5Б02
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 1
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:General concepts of processes. Types of processes. Features of the process. Economic aspects of process control. Classical methods of control. Program control. Sequential process control. The application of computer technology in the process control. Real time computer controled systems. Application of microprocessors and microcomputers. Application of programmable logic controllers. Application of computers in automatization of complex processes. Hierarchical process control. Fuzzy control of processes. Type of controllers. Methods for setting PID controller parameters Application of orthogonal polynomials in the examination of the sensitivity of various systems.
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OEU5A02
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures:2
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 1
1. Introduction to databases: basic terms (data, information, database, database management system, database system, database application), conventional data processing and database processing, categorization of database users, benefits and disadvantages, history of development.2. Data models: DBMS abstraction levels, three-schema architecture, the concept of data models and its components. The process of database design.3. Conceptual design of the database, ER model - ER data model, ER concepts, graphical notation (ER diagram), database design using ER model, examples of database design based on requirements.4. Relational model: relational model concepts, structural and integral component, relation schemas, instances, relation keys, constraint specification, defining constraints using SQL DDL commands. Translating conceptual model to relational model.
VI semester
Code: 3OEP6O01
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises:0
- Other classes: 0
Course outline:Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OEE6O02
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures:2
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:
Specification for the book of courses
Code 3OEP6O03
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures:2
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 1
- ECTS: 6
- Course outline:
Transformer - the element of high voltage substations. Economic aspects of transformer operation. Heating of transformer. Selection of transformer. Time-dependent change of short-circuit current, ac and dc component. Calculation of short-circuit current in radial networks. Influence of loading, resistance and induction motors on short-circuit current. Characteristic values of short-circuit currents. Thermal and mechanical calculations of elements in high voltage substations. Selection and testing of elements and equipment in high voltage substations. Main and auxiliary schema of high voltage substations. Distribution TS HV/MV and MV/LV. Disposition of high voltage substations. Grounding of high voltage substations.
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3ОЕP6О04
The number of classes per week:
- c Lectures:2
- Exercises: 1
- Other classes: 2
Course outline:
Classification of tests performed on electrical machines. The test program for transformers, DC machines, induction machines and synchronous machines. Measurement of winding resistance and insulation. Insulation testing byapplied and induced voltage. Regenerative and direct methods for loading of electric machines. Measurement of speed and torque. Temperature rise test. Measurement of winding temperature. No-load and short-circuit test on induction machine. Determination of starting characteristics and variables in equivalent circuit. Segregation of power losses. No-load and short-circuit test on synchronous machine. Determination of synchronous machine reactances. Acceleration, retardation and overspeed tests.
Specification for the book of courses
Elective Block 5 (6 ECTS minimum)
The name of the course: Power Cable Engineering
Code: 3ОEP6A01
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures:2
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:
Structural elements and types of power cables. Cable electrical field. Electrical parameters of the cable. Power losses in the cables. Cable ampacity. The influence of the environment on the cable ampacity. Short circuit ampacity. Cable terminations and joints. Cable laying. Cable testing. Failure detection in the cable.
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OEP6A02
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures:2
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 0
Course outline:
Introduction to error analysis: significant figures, error propagation, accuracy and precision, stability. Iterations and convergence. Systems of linear equations, exact and iterative procedures. Matrix inverse. Approximation in R: Interpolation by polynomials, general interpolation problem. Interpolation by trigonometric polynomials. FFT. Least squares data fitting. Nonlinear equations and systems: Newton's method and modifications. Initial value problem. Stopping criterion. Numerical integration. Solving differential equations with iterations. Applying computing software.
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OEE6O02
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures:2
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:
Overview and history of development of 8-bit microprocessors and microcontrollers. The basic structures of the most famous microcontrollers on the chip. Intel MCS51, Silicon Laboratories C8051Fxxx, Microchip PIC, Atmel AVR, Motorola 68HC. Interfaces of microcontroller. Memory model of basic architecture MCS51. Functional structure: digital input output lines - ports, interrupt system, input output units, timers, serial interfaces. A set of commands and programming at the assembler. Modular programming, segments, modules, translation, linking. Directives, examples of program templates. C programming for microcontrollers. Types of variables, memory model, bit addressing. Pointer in C language. Application of microcontrollers.
Specification for the book of courses
4. year
VII semester
Code: 3ОЕP7О01
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures:2
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 0
Course outline:
Specification for the book of courses
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures:2
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes:1
Course outline:
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OEP7O03
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures:2
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:
Specification for the book of courses
Elective Block 6 (10 ECTS minimum)
Code: 3OEE7C04
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures:2
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 1
Types of power electronic converters (AC/DC, DC/DC, DC/AC, AC/AC). DC converters (DC/DC). One-quadrant and multi-quadrant converters. Realisation methods of converters. Thyristor converters. Inverters (DC/AC). Types of inverters. Voltage inverters (single-phase and polyphase). Current inverters. Resonant inverters. AC converters (AC/AC). Cycloconverters. Matrix converters. Application of convertors in powering of DC and AC motors. Application of converters in production, transmission and distribution of electricity.
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3ОЕP7А02
The number of classes per week:
Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3ОЕP7А03
The number of classes per week:
Exercises: 1
Other classes: 2
Course outline:Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3ОЕP7А04
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures:2
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3ОЕP7А05
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures:2
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 1
- ECTS: 5
Specification for the book of courses
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures:2
- Exercises: 1
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:
Specification for the book of courses
Elective Block 7 (3 ECTS minimum)
Code: 3OEE7A02
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures:2
- Exercises: 0
- Other classes: 0
Course outline:Specification for the book of courses
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures:2
- Exercises: 0
- Other classes:0
Course outlineSpecification for the book of courses
VIII semester
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures:2
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:Analysis of electrical drives: transfer function and state space model. Stability criteria. DC drives with separately and serial excitation. Dynamical models. The influence of various parameters on the system pole placement. Dynamic statements depending on the control method. Dynamic in the braking regimes. Linearized model. Drives with AC motor. Coordinate transformation. Transformations and their applications in drives with induction and synchronous machines. Dynamic equivalent circuit. Identification and estimation of the drive parameters. Dynamic of AC motors in braking regimes. Impact of actuators to the dynamics of AC drive. Voltage and current supply of AC motors. Scalar and vector control methods. Realization.
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3ОЕP8О02
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures:3
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 1
Course outline
Overview of fundamental theorems in electric power networks. The bus admittance and impedance matrices. Calculations of network symmetrical operating states. Gaus-Seidell solution method and Newton-Raphson solution method for power flow calculation. Short-circuit current calculation. Symmetrical components. Matrix methods for calculating short-circuit currents. Power systems stability criteria. Stability at small disturbances. Transient stability. Basics of voltage stability.Specification for the book of courses
Elective Block 8 (10 ECTS minimum)
Code: 3ОEP8А01
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures:2
- Exercises: 0
- Other classes: 3
Course outline:
Project planning. Basic national and international laws, standards and directives. Device designations. Application of CAE software's in electric drives (EDs) project design. EDs power part design: calculations, protection, equipment selection. Basic protection equipment: fuses, circuit breakers, relays, functional safety. Selection and design of EDs control part: local control, remote control. Selection of main fieldbus components and network topology. Selection of PLC components and modules. Multi-motor drives project design.Specification for the book of courses
Шифра предмета: 3OEE8B03
Број часова недељно:
- Lectures:2
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:
Types of power supply. Linear power supplies. Direct converters. Converters with insulation. Control methods of switching supplies. Power supply systems. Centralized and decentralized power supplies. Grounding of a system. Voltage balance. Uninterruptible power supplies (UPS). Elements of a system. Batteries and accumulators. Methods of implementation. Methods of regulation and control.Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3ОEP8А03
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures:2
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 0
Course outline:
Definition of basic terms, classification and basic characteristics of earthings and groundings. Grounding electrodes types classification by shape and purpose. The electrical parameters of the ground and modeling of non-homogeneous soil. Overhead and cable lines as parts of the grounding systems. General electrical characteristics of earthing system. Materials for producing earthing systems conductors. Dimensioning the conductors of the earthing system. Methods for calculating EM earthing systems characteristics. Methods for measurement and periodical verification of the grounding systems characteristics.Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OEP8A04
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures:2
- Exercises: 1
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:
Stepper motors. Construction and basic types. Basic equations. Transients characteristics. Stability. Control of stepper motors. Permanent magnet synchronous motor. Construction and types. Fundamental equations and equivalent circuit. Transients processes. PMSM application and control. Brushless DC motors: Power supply and construction. Operation principles. Basic formulas and equivalent circuit. Characteristics. Control. DC servo-motors. Block diagrams and transfer functions. Switching reluctant motors, construction, work principles, characteristics. Control.Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3ОEP8А05
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures:2
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 0
Course outline:
The topics in high voltage engineering. Advantages of applying high voltage and possible hazards. Causes and types of overvoltages in electric power systems (EPS). Types of insulation. Methods of charging and discharging in gaseous insulators and types of electrical discharges. Electrons' avalanche. Townsend's theory. Paschen's law. The theory of streamers. Electric breakdown in sulfur-hexafluoride (SF6). Corona and losses on power lines. Dielectric losses. Electric arc. Extinction and modeling of electric arc in SF6 switches. GIS substations. Electrical discharges in liquid and solid insulators and characteristic parameters. Very fast overvoltages in EPS. Lightning overvoltages in EPS. Lightning discharge current according to the IEC 62305 standard. Standard waveforms of overvoltages. Switching overvoltages in EPS. Temporary overvoltages in EPS. Surge arresters (types, characteristic parameters, selection method and installation). Types of high-voltage generators and applications. Direct current, alternating current and impulse high-voltage generators. Preventive and corrective maintenance of electrical power equipment. Partial discharges and measurement methods. Statistical approach to insulation coordination.Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3ОEP8А06
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures:2
- Exercises: 1
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:
Basic measurement methods. Static and dynamic characteristics of measurement systems. Sensors and transducers in modern industrial measurement systems. Transducers of shifts, positions, speed, force, pressure, flow, level, smoke and temperature. Connection of sensors with computer system. Circuits for Measurement signal processing. Two-wire transmitters. Standard interface systems. SCADA systems. Wireless sensors. Virtual instrumentation. Reliability and maintenance of measurement systems. Modeling of measurement systems. Industrial measurement systems based on microprocessors.Specification for the book of courses
The name of the course: Professional Practice
Code: 3OEZ8SP
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures:0
- Exercises: 0
- Other classes: 0
Course outline:
Getting to know the process of work in the company in which the professional practice is carried out, its goals and organizational units. Getting to know the team and the project where the student is involved, which is selected in accordance with the student's module. Understanding the process of work in the company, business processes, understanding of work risks, participation in design, documentation preparation or quality control, in accordance with the work process and organizational possibilities in the company.
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OEZ8IR
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 0
- Exercises: 0
- Other classes: 4
Course outline:
It is formed individually in accordance with the needs of a concrete graduate-master work, its complexity and structure. According to his affinities and preferences, the student chooses the field of study work or the subject teacher from the list of teachers in the study program, which defines the specific task. The student studies professional literature, professional and scientific papers dealing with similar topics, performs analyzes in order to find a solution for a concrete task, or perform certain experiments in the laboratory. The study includes active monitoring of primary knowledge, organization and performance of experiments, numerical simulations and statistical data processing, preparation of seminar work from the narrow scientific-scientific field, which is the topic of independent research work.
Code: 3OEZ8ZR
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures:0
- Exercises: 0
- Other classes: 0
Course outline:
The final paper represents an independent research, practical or theoretical methodological work of the student in accordance with the level of studies, in which he becomes acquainted with some narrow area through the literature review and adopts methodology of research or designing necessary for the production of the paper. By making the paper, the student applies the practical and theoretical knowledge acquired during the studies. In written form, as a rule, the paper contains an introductory chapter, a definition of the problem, an overview of areas and existing solutions, a proposal and a description of its own solution, a conclusion and literature. A public oral defense of the paper is organized in front of a commission of three members, one of which is a mentor of the paper. During the oral defense, the candidate explains the results of his paper, and then answers the questions of the members of the commission, whereby the candidate demonstrates the ability of the oral presentation of the project.
Specification for the book of courses