The Study Programme - Electrical Engineering and Computing has got a clear goal, to educate engineers, competent for design, fabrication and maintenance of hardware (electronic circuits, devices and systems) and software in all forms of their application. In that, it is particularly cared about students’ acquiring fundamental knowledge, which will represent a good basis for continuation of schooling in master and doctoral studies, but also the applicable knowledge and skills ensuring their inclusion in production.

By finishing the Study Programme - Electrical Engineering and Computing students gain competencies in terms of designing, fabricating, testing and maintaining electronic circuits, devices and systems, as well as the necessary software logistics in the fields of electrical power engineering, microelectronics, electronics, computing and informatics, telecommunications and control systems. After finishing the Study Programme, students acquire the general capacities, as follows: to analyze, synthesize and predict solutions and effects; manage methods, procedures and research processes; develop critical and self-critical thinking and approach; apply knowledge in practice; develop communication capacities and competence, and cooperate with local and international environment; professional ethics.

First semester

Second semester


Teaching at the Study Programme is realized through:
  • obligatory courses (subjects) - some of these subjects are common for all modules, i.e., some modules or submodules, comprising the basic knowledge any student must accomplish,
  • elective (optional) subjects - some of these subjects are common for all modules, i.e., some modules or submodules, expanding and profiling student's knowledge in related fields, significant for some module, that is, submodule,
  • professional practice or a team project; any student realizes it in cooperation with a professor (lecturer), and in that he/she learns about the latest professional and technological findings, as well as the elements of professional team work, and
  • Diploma Work, a student has to elaborate in the last, 8th semester.
An important characteristic of this Study Programme is a corresponding number of mandatory subjects in 3rd and 4th semester, common for several modules. Besides, students may, in any module, choose a number of subjects of other modules. In that way, there is ensured the integrity of a study programme, with additional opportunities of specializing in corresponding fields.

Teaching is conducted through three basic forms:
  • lectures,
  • exercises and
  • laboratory exercises (expressed as “other forms of education” - OFE).
During lectures, the foreseen teaching matter is presented, by using computers and modern projection equipment. In exercises, which follow the lectures, concrete tasks are being solved and examples presented, additionally illustrating the matter. In laboratory exercises, students acquire the practical knowledge and engineering skills related to application of instruments, laboratory equipment and application software. An important segment of knowledge transfer includes consultations, as well.


Address: Aleksandra Medvedeva 4, 18104 Niš, Serbia
Phone: +381 (18) 529-105
Fax: +381 (18) 588-399
