The first year of Bachelor Studies at the Faculty of Electronics in Nis is common to all modules. The list of all courses in the first year of studies (first and second semester) can be found on the Basic Academic Studies page.
The module differentiation starts from the second year of study (third semester). The list of all courses on the Electronic Devices and Microsystems module, as well as a brief description of each of the course, can be found below:
III semester
The name of the course: Basics of Electronics
Code: 3OEM3O01
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 3
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:
Diodes and diode circuits. Bipolar transistor, operating point and and load line. Model of bipolar transistors. MOSFET transistor,operating point and and load line. Model MOSFET transistors. Basic amplifier stages with bipolar and MOSFET transistor. Multistage amplifiers. Amplifier with direct coupling. Differential and operational amplifier. Application of operational amplifiers. Negative feedback. Oscillators. Large-signal amplifiers. Rectifiers and voltage regulators.
The name of the course: Mathematics 3
Code: 3OEM3O02
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 3
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 0
Course outline:
Series. Numerical series. Positive and alternative series.Functional series. Potential and Fourier series. Ordinary differential equations. First order differential equations. Differential equation that separates variables. Homogeneous, linear and Bernoulli's differential equation. Second order differential equations. Incomplete and linear differential equation of second order. Multivariable functions. Limiting values and continuity, Partial derivatives and differentials of first and higher orders. Tangent plane. Taylor's formula. Directional derivatives and gradient. Local and conditional extrema. Integrals. Double, triple and curvlinear integrals. Complex analysis. Complex variable functions. Cauchy-riemann conditions. Complex integration. Residue theorem. Laplace transformation. Definition and main properties of the transformation. Inverse transformation.
The name of the course: Metrology of Electrical Quantities
Code: 3OEM3O03
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 1
- Other classes: 2
Course outline:
Basics of measurement theory - metrology. Electrical quantities and measurement units. Standards of measurement units ampere, ohm and volt in MKSA system (etalons and norms). Structural schemes of process for measurement of electrical quantities. Methods for measurement of electrical quantities. Processing of measurement results and measurement uncertainty. Metrological characteristics of electrical measuring resources. Analog and digital measurement instruments. Instrument with the moving coil. Expansion of measurement range for ammeter, voltmeter and ohmmeter. Measuring converters of electrical quantities. Oscilloscopes.
The name of the course: Signals and Systems
Code: 3OEM3O04
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 1
- Other classes: 2
Course outline:
The concept of signals and systems, signal types, classification. Stability.Impuls response. Characterization of continuous systems by differential equations. Fourier series. Discretization of continuous signals. Real and idealized measurement time continuous signals. Sampling Theorem. Impulse response in the time domain. Convolution. Laplace transform. Relation between Laplace and Fourier transformations. Application of the Laplace transform to solve differential equations. Linear transfer function of the system. The stability of the system. Response of linear continuous system to an arbitrary excitation.
The name of the course: Electronic Materials
Code: 3OEM3O05
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:
Introduction. Electronics materials and electronics devices. Conductors: definitions and general properties, metals, alloys, non-metallic conductors, application. Semiconductors: definitions and general properties, semiconductors, semiconductor compounds and alloys, application. Dielectrics: definitions, mechanisms of polarization, the static and dynamic properties, special dielectrics, application. Magnetic materials: definitions and general relations, types of magnetic materials, applications. Superconductors: phenomenology of superconductivity, applications. Organic materials and application.
IV semester
The name of the course: Microsystem Technologies
Code: 3OEM4O01
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:
Definitions and classification of microsystems. Materials for microsystems. Microelectronic technologies: films growth and deposition, doping, litography, etching, Ion implantation, oxidation, diffusion. Bulk micromachining technology: technological processes, structures, applications. Surface micromachining technology: technological processes, structures, applications, LIGA technologies: technological processes, applications. Assembly and microsystems integration
The name of the course: Semiconductor Devices
Code: 3OEM4O02
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:
Introduction. Overview of the basic types of semiconductor devices. Basic properties of semiconductors. Structure, operation principle and characteristics of basic types of diodes. Applications of diodes. Structure, operation principle and characteristics of bipolar junction transistor (BJT). Bipolar junction transistor as a switch. Bipolar junction transistor as an amplifier. Basic amplifier circuits with BJTs. Structure, operation principle and characteristics of junction field effect transistors (JFET). Constant current sources with JFET. Structure, operation principle and characteristics of metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET). NMOS and PMOS field effect transistors. NMOS inverter. CMOS inverter. Multi-junction and other types of semiconductor devices.
The name of the course: Basics of Optics
Code: 3OEM4O03
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:
Geometrical optics. Introducing students to the physical processes based on the laws of geometrical optics (reflection of light - the mirrors, refraction of light - the lens and plane parallel plate , dispersion of light on the optical prism and the principle of optical instruments operation. Wave optics Interference, and light interferometers.Diffraction of light. Polarization of light. Applications. Coherent light and the principle of laser operation (classification and application). Physical items photoelectric effect, Compton effect. X-ray radiation. The principle of operation of optoelectronic devices.
Elective Block EKM1 (12 ECTS minimum)
The name of the course: Solid State Electronics
Code: 3OEM4A01
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 0
Course outline:
Introduction. Structure of the atom and types of bonds in materials. Crystal structure of a semiconductor. Energy bands. Intrinsic semiconductor. Doped semiconductors. Fermi level. Charge carriers distribution functions. Dual nature of the electron. E(k) dependencies. The effective mass of carriers. Concentrations of free carriers. Lightly and moderately doped semiconductor. Heavily doped semiconductor. Ionization of the dopants. Drift velocity and mobility of charge carriers. The electric conductivity of a semiconductor. Drift and diffusion currents. Einstein's relation. Transport equations. Quasi-Fermi levels. Recombination of carriers in semiconductors. Equation of continuity. Conductivity in high fields. Tunnel and avalanche breakdown. P-N junction: abrupt and linear. Built-in voltage, depletion region width and capacitance of the P-N junction. Contact metal-semiconductor. Heterojunction. MOS structure (capacitor). Threshold voltage and C-V plots of the MOS structure.
The name of the course: Components for Telecommunications
Code: 3OEM4A02
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:
Peculiarities of devices for telecommunications. Transmission lines. Classification of transmission lines. Connectors and sockets. Passive electronic components. Ferrite and combined components. Semiconductor materials: Si and III-V compounds. Diodes. Bipolar transistor. MOS transistor. LDMOS transistor. FET. Integrated circuits. Digital circuit technologies. CMOS. BiCMOS. Dynamic RAM cells: capacitive cell, FLASH, FeRAM. Low noise receivers. Components in SMD technology.
The name of the course: Fundamentals of Quantum and Statistical Physics
Code: 3OEM4A03
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 0
Course outline:
Limitations of classical physics. Introduction to quantum mechanics. Particle-wave dualism. De Brol's hypothesis and Heisenberg's uncertainty relations. Wave function. Stationary and non-stationary Schrödinger equation. Potential step, potential barriers and well. WKB approximation. Tunnel diode. Quantum microstructure. Quantum transistors. Maxwell-Boltzmann, Boze-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac distribution. Statistics of electrons and photons.
The name of the course: Materials Characterization
Code: 3OEM4A04
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:
Modern materials analysis methods. Structural properties of materials. Technology (synthesis) – structural properties – materials correlation. Symmetry and crystallography in the structural hierarchy of materials. Modern characterization methods: SEM, TEM, EDS, XRD, SPM, laser spectroscopy, NMR spectroscopy. Stereologiacal methods (quantitative metallography). Application of fractals in the structural analysis of materials. Materials structure in the function of high integration of electronic components and parameters within electronic devices. New measurement technologies of materials' electrical and electronic properties at the microstructural and nanoscale levels. New characterization methods for nanomaterials. Pushing the limits of scientific knowledge in the field of structural hierarchy and analysis of advanced materials.
The name of the course: Telecommunications
Code: 3OEM4A05
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:
Spectral analysis of deterministic and random signals. Signals transmission through linear and non-linear systems. Analog modulation. Signal digitizing. Impulse coded modulation and differential impulse coded modulation. Multiplexing. Digital signals transmission in baseband. Intersymbol interference. Transmission of digital signals in the passband (ASK, FSK, PSK, QAM - process of modulation and demodulation). Entropy of information sources and channel capacity. Introduction to compression, error correction coding and cryptography. Signal transmission through fiber optic and wireless media. Public mobile and satellite systems. Cable distributed systems. The importance of telecommunication techniques for Internet intelligent facilities (M2M, autonomous vehicles, smart cities).
The name of the course: Numerical Mathematics
Code: 3OEM4A06
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 0
Course outline:
Error analysis. Iterative processes. Solving nonlinear equations and systems of nonlinear equations. Numerical solving of a system of linear equations. Inversion of the matrix. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrices. Interpolation and approximation of functions. Numerical differentiation. Numerical integration.
V semester
The name of the course: English Language I
Code: 3OEM5O01
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 0
- Other classes: 0
Course outline:
Work on basic linguistic knowledge related to communicative situations in electrotechnology and computing, lexical and morphological knowledge, rhetorical strucutres. Representative models of spoken and written presentations in professional English.
The name of the course: Analog Microelectronics
Code: 3OEM5O02
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:
DC power supplies: linear, switching. Operational amplifiers, ideal and real. Frequency response of operational amplifiers. Basic configurations: Inverting, non-verifying, voltage follower. Applications of operational amplifiers: summing, integrator, differentiator, logarithmic and antilogarithmic, differential and instrumentation amplifiers, precision rectifiers, comparators, oscillators, multivibrators, transconductance amplifiers (OTA), attenuators, A / D converters.
The name of the course: Characterization of Electronic Devices
Code: 3OEM5O03
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:
Wafer level device characterization: the roles of probe and optical microscope; test chip concept. Еlectrical characterization techniques based on transfer and output I-V characteristics. Data processing and parameter extraction. Application of curve tracer and electrical parameter analyzer. Characterization of the encapsulated devices: application of test sockets. Characterization of power devices and sensors. Techniques for characterization of interfaces and electro-physical parameters: CV technique, Charge Pumping based technique, I-V techniques. Analytical characterization techniques. Detailed analysis of various device datasheets: device parameters and their meanings. GPIB and RS232 protocols. Precaution measures at measurements requiring application of high voltages.
The name of the course: Advanced Materials and Technologies
Code: 3OEM5O04
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 1
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:
Globalization of research and development of advanced materials and technologies. Structure, symmetry and hierarchy of materials. Crystallography. Physical chemistry, thermodynamics and statistical physics of advanced electronic materials. Theory of phases and phase transitions. Processes at boundary surfaces. Influence of the microstructure on the electrical properties of ceramic materials. Fractals. Characterization of materials. Polymeric, composite and non-crystalline materials and technologies. Liquid crystals. Electrically conducting ceramics. Ceramic materials for condensers. Piezoelectric, ferroelectric and pyroelectric properties, NTCR and PTCR effects. Dielectric and magnetic materials and superconductors. Optoelectronic ceramics. Optical fibers. Ceramic materials for microwave components, quartz oscillators and filters, and MEMS components. Electronic and photonic materials. Ferrites and other ceramic materials with magnetic properties. Nanomaterials and nanotechnology. Carbonaceous materials. Materials for new and alternative sources of energy and fuel cells. Fusion materials and technology. Bioceramics. Electronic materials and technologies in space exploration. EU strategy in the field of new materials and technologies.
Elective Block EKM2 (10 ECTS minimum)
The name of the course: Renewable Energy
Code: 3OEM5A01
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 1
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:
Getting acquainted with the contents of the course, teachers, associates, the necessary literature and the way of passing the exam. Energy and environment, global energy needs. Production, supply and use of energy. Global warming, climate change, carbon dioxide emissions. Types of renewable and non-renewable energy sources. Overview of the situation in the world, the European Union and Serbia. Solar thermal energy. Types and characteristics of solar thermal collectors. Types of solar thermal systems. Solar photovoltaic energy. Types of solar cells and their electrical characteristics. Types of photovoltaic systems. Wind energy, basic parameters of air flow. Basics and types of wind turbines. Turbine power curve. Parts of the system. Environmental and economic parameters. Hydroenergy - resources, power of water, estimation of available energy, types of turbines and systems. Small hydropower plants - types and constructions. Biomass energy: characteristics, technologies and systems for the use of biomass. Dedicated biomass production. Biochemical processes of production (ethanol, biodiesel, biogas). Fuel cells and hydrogen energy. Geothermal energy: types of geothermal resources, resources, technologies and systems for exploitation. Nuclear energy: the processes of obtaining nuclear energy, nuclear fuel. Energy storage. Techno-economic analysis of renewable energy technologies and their applications. Legislation.
The name of the course: Measurements in Microelectronics
Code: 3OEM5A02
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:
Role and importance of microelectronics components and circuits parameter measurements. Metrological assurance of measurement process and accuracy of measurement results. Hardware components of system for measurement of microelectronics components and circuits parameters. Testing of DC and dynamic parameters of ADC and DAC circuits. Equipment for automated testing of microelectronics components and circuits (АТЕ). Using of virtual measuring instrumentation and LabVIEW software in the process of microelectronics components and circuits parameter measurements.
The name of the course: Dosimetry and Dosimeters
Code: 3OEM5A03
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 0
Course outline:
Theoretical lectures will take place in the following areas: Sources and types of radiation, division of radiation. Ionizing radiation: particulate and electromagnetic, the law of radioactive decay, dosimetric variables and units, radiation interaction with matter, radiation effects on living matter, radiation detection. Principle of work and description of different types of dosimeters of ionizing radiation. Non-ionizing radiation (radio-frequency and optical): characteristics, variables and units, measuring and instruments for measuring the electric field, biological effects.
The name of the course: Dosimetry and Dosimeters
Code: 3OEE7D07
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 0
Course outline:
Electric and magnetic field. Static and dynamic fields. Traveling waves. Sinusoidal waves in a lossless medium. Transmission Lines: Transmission line equations. Wave propagation on a transmission line. The lossless transmission line. Voltage reflection coefficient. Standing waves. Electrostatics: Maxwell’s equations. Coulomb’s law. Electric scalar potential. Poisson’s equation. Dielectric boundary conditions. Image method. Magnetostatics: Magnetic forces and torques. The Biot—Savart law. Magnetic field due to surface and volume current distributions. Maxwell’s magnetostatic equations. Gauss’s law for magnetism. Ampere’s law. Magnetic vector potential. Magnetic properties of materials. Magnetic permeability. Magnetic boundary conditions. Plane-Wave Propagation: Definition of plane wave. Dispersity equation. Polarization of plane wave. Phase and group velocity. Snell’s laws. Fresnel refraction and diffraction coefficients. Bruster’s angle. Metamaterials. Radiation and Antennas: The short dipole. Far-field approximation. Power density. Antenna radiation characteristics. Antenna pattern. Antenna directivity. Antenna gain. Radiation resistance. Еlectromagnetic Compatibility: Conductive and radiation interferences. Interferences caused by analogue and digital signals. Signal distortion. Screening. Grounding.
The name of the course: Fundamentals of Object Oriented Programming
Code: 3OEM5A05
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:
Programming techniques overview. Problem definition process. Classes. Objects. Using classes in problem solving. Class definition. Class member access. Scope. The separation of interface and implementation. Inline functions. Constructors. Destructors. The call order of constructors and destructors. Copy constructors. Friend classes. Friend functions. Operator overloading. Side effects and connections between operators. Choosing return values for operators. Implementation, inheritance, specialization, generalization. Definition of inherited class. Access modifiers. Types of the inheritance. Constructors and destructors of inherited classes. Pointers and references. Polymorphism. Virtual functions. Pure virtual functions. Abstract classes. Virtual destructors. Arrays and derived classes. Multiple inheritance. Constructors and destructors in multiple inheritance. Multiple derived objects. Virtual base classes. generic mechanism - templates. Template functions. Template classes. Exception handling. Exception throwing. Exception catching. Uncaught exceptions. Input and output streams. Standard streams. Input stream classes. Input stream objects construction. Input stream operations. Extraction operator overloading. Output streams. Stream insertion operator. Output formatting. Output stream operations. Stream insertion operator overloading. Standard library. Namespaces. Container classes (vectors, lists, stack, queues, maps, sets, ...). Iterators, Algorithms, class String.
The name of the course: Fundementals of Mechatronics
Code: 3OEM5A06
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:
Introduction to mechatronic systems. System responses and behaviour. Motion dynamics. Sensors in mechatronics. Signal processing. Actuators in pneumatic, hydraulic, mechanical and electrical systems. The concept of modelling of different types of dynamical systems. Feedback concept. Microprocessor and microcontroller systems. Programmable logic controllers. Examples of designing of mechatronic systems. Intelligent systems.
The name of the course: Differential equations
Code: 3OEM5A07
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 0
Course outline:
Ordinary differential equations (ODE): Cauchy and boundary value problems, typess of solutions, methods for exact solving. Systems of ODE. Numerical solving of Cauchy problem ODE: Euler method, multistep methods, Runge-Kutta methods. Numerical solving of boundary problem ODE: finite differences method, variational methods. Error analysis. Stability. Partial differential equations (PDE): classification of problems and equations. Analytic methods for solving PDE. Numerical methods for solving PDE: finite differences method, finite element method.
VI semester
The name of the course: English Language 2
Code: 3OEM6O01
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 0
- Other classes: 0
Course outline:
Linguistic units related to the most relevant areas of electrotechnology and computing. Acquiring professional expert terminology, syntactic and morphological features of this domain language. Work on academic English language, rhetorical structures that are characteristic of the discourse of electrotechnology.
The name of the course: Digital Microelectronics
Code: 3OEM6O02
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:
Basic logic gates: gates technology - CMOS logic circuits, TTL logic. Combinational logic circuits: a universal logic elements, combining the functions of logic - adders, comparators, encoders and decoders, multiplexers and demultiplekseri. Bistable memory unit: latch, flip-flop, flip-flop types and implementation. Counters: asynchronous and synchronous counters, counter design, cascading counters. Shift registers: types of registers, shift registers as counters, other applications of shift registers. Memory: RAM, ROM, flash. D/A conversion.
The name of the course: Sensors and Actuators
Code: 3OEM6O03
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 1
- Other classes: 2
Course outline:
Information-processing systems. Measurement and control systems. Actuators. Sensor definitions and classification. General sensor characteristics and limitations.. Parameters definition. Sensor calibration methods. Error corrections. Fabrication technology. Reliability issues. Sensors for radiation, mechanical, thermal ,magnetic , chemical and biological signals. Sensors design and operation. Applications. Smart integrated sensors and actuators. Functional blocks. Micro-electro-mechanical sensors (MEMS), technology, components and systems. Integrated sensors and MEMS components.
The name of the course: Design of Microelectronics Devices
Code: 3OEM6O04
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 1
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:
Introduction. Simulation and modeling of technological processes. CMOS technology flow. Modeling the process of ion implantation. Analytical 1D and 2D models. BTE. Monte Carlo. Modeling of thermal processes. Diffusion equations. Diffusion of impurities and point defects. Segregation of the substance. An analytical model of the oxidation process. Deal-Groove model. Numeric models. Modeling of lithographic processes. Modeling deposition and corrosion. Simulation and modeling of electrical characteristics of components. System of basic semiconductor equations. Mobility. Generation and recombination. Scaling. Domain simulation and boundary conditions. Discretization. Solving PDE system TCAD software packages. Silvaco and ISE TCAD packages. Design of the numerical experiment (DOE).
Elective Block EKM3 (10 ECTS minimum)
The name of the course: Modeling and Simulation of Microelectronic Circuits
Code: 3OEM6A01
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 1
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:
Basics of SPICE and Proteus sofware packages. Types of analisis: DC, AC simulations. Static models of electronic components. Models accuracy and convergention. Temperatutre effect modeling. Noise modeling. Frequency domain analysis. Sofware modeling of RLC elements, PN diode, bipolar andMOS transistors and power components. Sensor models. Applicatiton of SPICE libraries. Extraction of models parameters from experimental data. Modeling and simulatiton of various electtronic systems based on microcontrolers using Proteus software package
The name of the course: Reliability of Microelectronic Devices
Code: 3OEM6A02
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:
Degradation and failure of microelectronic components. The failre, mechanisms, and cause of failure. Elements of reliability theory. Graphical modeling of reliability (bathtub curve). Procedures for selecting reliable components. Accelerated Reliability Testing - High Temperature, Humidity, Voltage and Mechanical Stress Testing. Prediction of reliability and fault modeling (models of reliability of discrete devices and integrated circuits). Failure physics: failures due to mass transport (termination of contact and metallization), failures due to electric charge transport (breakdown dielectrics, hot carriers, electrical stress), failures due to external effects (moisture, ionizing radiation, electrostatic discharge). Failure diagnostics, non-destructive testing (radiography, SAM microscopy, PIND testing), electrical testing, structural characterization (optical microscopy, SEM, TEM, X-spectroscopy, Auger spectroscopy). MIL-STD and IEC and standards.
The name of the course: 3D printing Technologies
Code: 3OEM6A03
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 1
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:
3D printing technologies and digital fabrication. Type of 3D printers. Types and properties of materials for 3D printing. 3D scanners.New materials for 3D printing. Softwares for designing 3D objects and softwers for 3D printing. Aplications of 3D printed objects in microelectronics.
The name of the course: Microwave Technique and Electronics
Code: 3OEM6A04
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:
Introduction. Characteristics of microwaves. Propagation by transmission lines. The characteristic parameters of transmission lines. Smith chart and its application in the analysis of microwave circuits. Techniques for impedance matching of microwave circuits. Microstrip lines. Wave matrix. Introduction to microwave semiconductor devices. Microwave diodes. Microwave transistors. Hybrid and monolithic microwave integrated circuits. RF and microwave transistor amplifiers and oscilators.
The name of the course: Optoelectronic Devices
Code: 3OEM6A05
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 1
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:
Students get acquainted with physical processes related to operation of various types of optoelectronic components. Basics concepts in statistical physics and quantum mechanics, basic concepts of semiconductor component physics, generation and recombination of charge carriers in a semiconductor, p-n junction and metal-semiconductor compound, the basis of zonal structure in semiconductors. LE diode, PIN photodiode, gas photocell, photo-resistor, phototransistor and optocoupler are studied. Semiconductor lasers, basic concepts, operating principle, field of application. Integrated optoelectronic devices.
VII semester
The name of the course: Microsystems Design
Code: 3OEM7O01
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:
Introduction. Steps in the process of designing microsystems. Basic design settings. Design analysis. Verification of design. Design and analysis of microsystems using a computer (CAD). Operation principles of microsystem components. Materials for microsystems fabrication. Microsystem technology development. Laws of mechanics and fluid flow in the design of microsystems. Scaling laws of the microsystems. Analysis of microsystems based on pressure sensors and thermoelectric generators.
The name of the course: Printed Circuit Boards Design
Code: 3OEM7O02
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:
Technology of printed circuit board production. SMD assembly technology components. Single and double sided boards. Electromechanical design. Software packages for electrical and mechanical design. 3D modeling of components, printed boards and enclosures. Design rules. Layout of the components on the board. Model exchange between ECAD and MCAD package. Design for production. Introduction to the product data management and collaborative design.More details in: D. Danković, Lj. Vračar, A. Prijić, Z. Prijić, „An Electromechanical Approach to a Printed Circuit Board Design Course“, IEEE Trans. Education, Vol. 56, No. 4, pp. 470-477, 2013.
The name of the course: Optoelectronics
Code: 3OEM7O03
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:
Optics, electronics, classical and quantum electrodynamics and statistical physics as the basis of optoelectronics. The dual nature of light. Emission, propagation and absorption of light. Prognosis and design of optoelectronic materials and discrete optoelectronic devices. Quantum optoelectronics. Spontaneously and stimulated emission of light. Optical fibers and cables. Optoelectronic devices. Types of lasers. Solid-state lasers, gas lasers, semiconductor lasers, liquid lasers. Types of displays. CRT monitors, liquid crystal LCD displays, LED displays, OLED displays. Optoelectronic devices in the computer (readers and scanners, storage units) and telecommunication (switches, semiconductor, ceramic and other special displays; modulators and demodulators) devices and systems. Nanomaterials and optoelectronic technology
Elective Block EKM4 (10 ECTS minimum)
The name of the course: Solar Devices and Systems
Code: 3OEM7A01
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 1
- Other classes: 2
Course outline:
Getting acquainted with the contents of the course, teachers, associates, the necessary literature and the way of passing the exam. Historical overview of the development of solar technology. Solar energy. Characteristics of solar radiation, spectrum of solar radiation. Photovoltaic effect. Absorption of light and generation of carriers. Photovoltaic conversion mechanisms. Solar cell. Principle of operation, electrical characteristics, electrical and optical losses, models of solar cells. Technologies for the production of solar cells, types of solar cells. New Materials and Trends in Solar Cell Development. Solar cells based on monocrystalline silicon. Highly efficient solar cell. Thin-layer solar cells on amorphous Si, Ga-As, Cu-In-Se2. Characterization of solar cells. Modeling and simulation of the technological array for the production and electrical characteristics of solar cells using TCAD software packages. Photovoltaic systems. System components, system types. Independent, hybrid and network-connected photovoltaic systems. Efficiency and basic characteristics of photovoltaic systems. PVSyst - a program for dimensioning, designing and optimizing photovoltaic systems. Design of autonomous photovoltaic systems using the PVSyst program. Designing hybrid and network-connected photovoltaic systems using the PVSyst program. Realization, monitoring and maintenance of photovoltaic systems. Techno-economic analysis of solar technologies and their application. Legislation.
The name of the course: Data Transfer Protocols
Code: 3OEM7A02
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 1
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:
Interfacing various parts of electronic systems using communication protocols. Data transfer using serial and/or paralel buses. Receiver and transmiter buses. Timers. Input/output moduls. Software design. Project.
The name of the course: Programmable Logic Controllers
Code: 3OEM7A03
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 1
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:
Introduction to Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC). Input output devices. Processing of input-output signals. Programming programmable logic controllers. Scan cycle-execute program. Leder diagrams, list of commands, function blocks. Logical functions. Examples. PLC Components. Internal relays. Timers. Counters. Shift registers. Data processing. Development phase of programs for PLC. Testing and troubleshooting. Application of current PLC systems of various manufacturers (Simens, Omron, Micubisi, Alen Bredli, Schnieder Electric). Example of PLC application in the management of distributed management systems.
The name of the course: Design of Programmable Components
Code: 3OEM7A04
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 1
- Other classes: 2
Course outline:
Basic concepts of hardware description languages. An introduction to VHDL. Organization of VHDL code: declaration of libraries and packages; entity declaration; architecture description. Language constructions of VHDL code. Signal assignements in VHDL: When and Select. Process and Wait statements. If statements, Case statements and Loops. VHDL code examples of combinational and sequential circuits. Creating a project in one of the software packages, entering of VHDL code, simlation and functional verification. Use of development kits for implementing hardware design on FPGA chip. Checking the functionality of programmed circuits using development kits.
The name of the course: Introduction to Databases
Code: 3OEM7A05
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:
1. Introduction to databases: basic terms (data, information, database, database management system, database system, database application), conventional data processing and database processing, categorization of database users, benefits and disadvantages, history of development.
2. Data models: DBMS abstraction levels, three-schema architecture, the concept of data models and its components. The process of database design.
3. Conceptual design of the database, ER model - ER data model, ER concepts, graphical notation (ER diagram), database design using ER model, examples of database design based on requirements.
4. Relational model: relational model concepts, structural and integral component, relation schemas, instances, relation keys, constraint specification, defining constraints using SQL DDL commands. Translating conceptual model to relational model.
The name of the course: VLSI Design
Code: 3OEM7A06
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:
VLSI technology. VLSI system structure. Design of VLSI architecture. High level synthesis, RTL level synthesis. Fast adder design. Multiplier RTL level design. Integration of IP blocks in VLSI ICs. VLSI microprocessor design. Controller/datapath partitioning. Micro-instructions. Datapath blocks design. Timing requirements in synchronous circuits. Clock signal. Setup and hold timing requirements. Minimal clock period. Positive, negative clock skew. Clock tree design. Timing requirements in asynchronous circuits. Two-phase and four-phase handshaking protocol. Power supply lines design in integrated circuits. Low power IC design. Sources of static and dynamic power dissipation. Leakage currents sources. Low power design at architecture level. Power gating. Multi voltage islands.
The name of the course: Automotive Electronics
Code: 3OEM7A07
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 1
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:
Basic principles of car operation - physical configuration, engine, power transmission, suspension, braking and steering systems. Automobile control and instrumentation systems - analog and digital systems, open and closed loop systems. Microprocessor instrumentation and control. Electronic engine control. Sensors and actuators in the car - MAF, exhaust gases, butterfly position, RPM, engine temperature, air temperature in the suction line, MAP, exhaust pressure, vehicle speed. Digital engine control systems - fuel consumption, EGR control, valve control, electronic ignition. Vehicle control, ABS, Electronic Suspension, Electronic Tuning. Instrumentation and telemetry - communication systems, interfaces and standards. Diagnostics. Trends in the development of electronic systems in the car. Electric cars: Energy sources, battery types, parameters and characteristics. DC and AC motors, three-phase motors, vector representation, permanent magnet motors. Electronics for engine motions, power components. Hybrid vehicles.
The name of the course: Digital TV Systems and Services
Code: 3OEM7A08
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 1
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:
The main advantages and disadvantages of digital transmission; Digital broadcasting and receiving techniques; Standards in DTV - DVB; Digital TV Transmitter Architecture; Architecture of digital TV receivers; Input level; Transceiver Processor; Decoder; Output interfaces; Communication between integrated circuits; Digital TV software; Architecture of TV applications; System integration and practical aspects; Components of DTV receivers; DTV middleware; Convergence in Television and interactivity; Hybrid television; Television over IP; Internet Television and Over-The-Top Services; Current standards.
Elective Block EKM5 (3 ECTS minimum)
The name of the course: Engineering Education and Sustainable Development
Code: 3OEM7B01
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 0
- Other classes: 0
Course outline:
The origin of the term and the historical development of the idea of education. Education of engineers in Serbia. The concept of contemporary society. Technological changes, knowledge and new materials. Engineering, engineering ethics and the relevance of ethics in technics and society. Sustainable development. Philosophy, principles and practice of the sustainable development. Visions and approaches to sustainable development. The role of the interantional community in the formation of 'planetar' politics of sustainable development policy. World forums and strategic documents on establishing priorities, aims and the policy of sustainable development on both global and local levels. Sustainable development as an alternative to traditional political and economical paradigm. The role of technology in the sustainable development. Sustainable development and the technology changes. Dependence on technological changes, the failure of techonological improvements and the failure of adopting alternative technologies. Preventive engineering and sustainable development. Instruments for ecological politics. European programs, funds and projects. Ecological consequences and scientific technological revolutions.
The name of the course: Business Communications
Code: 3OEM7B02
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 0
- Other classes: 0
Course outline:
Basic elements of communication. The structure of the communicative process. Types of communication. Communication aspects of business relationships. Basic rules and principles in business negotiations. Business Negotiation Technology. Basic features of business communication. Public Relations. Press conference. Leadership. Biography. Business etiquette. Internet and e-commerce. Forms of electronic business. Risk and security of e-business. The influence of the Internet on the design and development of contemporary society. European legal framework for electronic communications. Legal and ethical business problems on the Internet. Privacy protection.
The name of the course: Entrepreneurship for Engineers
Code: 3OEM7B03
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 1
- Other classes: 0
Course outline:
Innovation. Phases in the innovation process. Activities oriented towards the product development process. Market research. Developing a business model (Customers and proposed value, Product distribution channels, Income flows, Key resources, Key activities, Key partners, Cost structure, Business model validation, Customer profile, Value map, Customer pains, Customer gains, Overlapping of problems and solutions. Planning and control of finances. Basic revenue models.). Validation of the business model. Start-up. Methods of financing start-ups. Pitch-presentation. Marketing. Intellectual property. Patents and patent documentation.
VIII semester
The name of the course: Power Devices and Circuits
Code: 3OEM8O01
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 3
- Exercises: 1
- Other classes: 0
Course outline:
Introduction. Definition, types and applications of power devices. Carrier transport and lifetime. Semiconductor breakdown: avalanche breakdown, punch-through. techniques to minimize edge effects, thermal (secondary) breakdown. Power diodes: PIN diode, Schottky diode. Bipolar transistors: gain and breakdown voltage, high current density effects, safe operating area (SOA), switching characteristics, Darlington couple. Power thyristors: operation regimes, turning off the thyristor, thyristor types, triac, photothyristor. Static induction power devices: static induction transistor, static induction thyristor. MOS power devices: structure and principles of operation of LDMOS and VDMOS transistors, parasitic elements in VDMOS structure, electrical parameters, dynamic characteristics and SOA. MOS controlled thyristor (MCT). Insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT): structure and principles of operation, dynamic characteristics and SOA. Power electronic circuits: principles of integration, power modules and hybrid circuits, monolithic ICs, high-voltage ICs, smart power ICs and SOC (System-on-a-Chip), isolation techniques. Reliability of power devices: power device packages, heat dissipation, overload protection.
Elective Block EKM6 (10 ECTS minimum)
The name of the course: Nanotechnology
Code: 3OEM8A01
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 0
Course outline:
Scientific revolutions. Types of nanotechnology and nanomachines. Surfaces and dimensional space – top down and bottom up. Forces between atoms and molecules.Opportunity at the nano scale. Length and time scale in structures. Influence of nano structuring on mechanical, optical, electronic, magnetic and chemical properties. Electronic transport in quantum wires and carbon nano tubes. Magnetic behavior of single domain particles and nanostructures. BULK NANOSTRUCTURED MATERIALS: Quantum wells, wires and dots. Size and dimensionality effects, Carbon nanotubes (CNTs). Single walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs), Multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs), graphenes, fullerenes. Metal/oxide nanoparticles, nanorods, nanowires, nanotubes, and nanofibers. Semiconductor quantum dots. GAS SENSOR MATERIALS: Criteria for the choice of materials. Discussion of sensors for various gases. Gas sensors based on semiconductor devices. BIOSENSORS: Principles. DNA based biosensors. Protein based biosensors. SEMICONDUCTOR NANODEVICES: Single electron devices. Nano scale MOSFET – resonant tunneling transistor. Single electron transistors. Nanorobotics and nanomanipulation. Nanocomputers. Optical fibers for nanodevices. DNA based nanodevices. Micro and Nanomechanics. Nanotechnology for sustainable energy.
The name of the course: Аutonomous Microsystems
Code: 3OEM8A02
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 1
- Other classes: 2
Course outline:
Autonomous microsystems - definition and classification by application areas. Architecture of autonomous microsystems. Battery-powered systems. Types of batteries. Battery-charging circuits. Energy Harvesting systems: thermal, solar, chemical, mechanical. Optimization of the power consumption. Design principles of autonomous microsystems. Energy harvesting block. Energy storage block. Sensor block. Telemetry block. Embedded software for autonomous microsystems.
The name of the course: Electronics Materials Design
Code: 3OEM8A03
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:
Prognosis of the materials properties (relationship between structure, properties and materials technology). Selection and design of electronics materials. Database of electronics materials.The basic and supporting electronics materials.Materials for microsystems. Prognosis and design of metallic, ceramic and polymeric materials. Design of noncrystalline and organic materials. Composite materials. Superconducting, supermagnetic, semiconducting, optoelectronic and piezoelectric nanomaterials.
The name of the course: Integrated Circuits Design
Code: 3OEM8A04
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 1
- Other classes: 2
Course outline:
Design styles, criteria for choosing the right style. Standard and submicron CMOS process. Design rules. Power routing in integrated circuits. Enclosure types. Global placement. Design based on standard cells; libraries; data formats. HDL adjusted to synthesis. Synthesis; verification; layout, routing, post-layout verification, extraction of electrical parameters from the layout. Full-custom design. Dimensioning of components. Layout of a MOS transistor. Symbolic layout. Electric schemes; simulation; LVS check; extraction of parameters from the layout; characterization after implementation. Adding new cells to existing library. Preparation of project documentation, writing reports.
The name of the course: Thermovision
Code: 3OEM8A05
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:
Introduction to thermal imaging. Theory of infrared radiation. Detection of infrared radiation and temperature measurement. Devices for temperature measurement. Operation principle and types of thermal imaging cameras. Practical aspects of thermal imaging cameras. Application of thermal imaging in a preventive maintenance and testing in various areas. Processing and analysis of thermal images.
The name of the course: Sensor Networks Protocols
Code: 3OEM8A06
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 2
- Exercises: 2
- Other classes: 1
Course outline:
Introduction. Node architecture. Hardware components. Energy consumption of sensor nodes. Overview of operating systems. Design principles of sensor networks. Network architecture. Optimization and performance measures. Concept of gateway. Physical layer. MAC protocols. Basics of wireless MAC protocols. Wake-up protocols. Time division-based protocols. IEEE 802.15.4. Data link protocols. Error control. Framing. Link control. Naming and addressing. Control of naming and addressing in sensor networks. Geographical addressing. Routing protocols. Random forwarding. Energy efficient unicast. Broadcast and multicast. Geographical routing. Mobile nodes. Data-centric and content-centric networking. Data aggregation. Data-centric information storage.
Elective Block EKM7 (4 ECTS minimum)
The name of the course: Virtual Instrumentation
Code: 3OEM8B01
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 1
- Exercises: 1
- Other classes: 0
Course outline:
Individual design and implementation of virtual instrumentation. VisualStudio development enviroment for realisation of virtual instrumentation as backup to various laboratory equipment.
The name of the course: Technical Documentation
Code: 3OEM8B02
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 1
- Exercises: 1
- Other classes: 0
Course outline:
Technical documentation of the components (datasheet), resistors, capacitors, coils, transistors, power devices, optocomponents, integrated circuits, connectors, coolers, printed circuit boards, etc. Electrical parameters, I-V characteristics, temperature characteristics, dynamic characteristics, characteristics of package and physical dimensions, relevant parameters for industrial assembly, maximum permissed loads. User and service manuals (analysis of document organization, presented schemas and tables) of measuring instruments (power sources, multimeters, signal generators, oscilloscopes) of world reputed manufacturers (Tektronix, Agilent, Rigol, Keysight). Users manuals of development kits (UNI DS3, EasyPIC5, Arduino, Altium).
The name of the course: Project Management
Code: 3OEM8B03
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 1
- Exercises: 1
- Other classes: 0
Course outline:
Concept and types of projects. Introduction to the concept of project management. Project management methodology. Project lifecycle: initiation, planning, implementation, monitoring and control, project close-out. Project management plan. Functional areas of project management. Managing the scope and time of the project (defining activities, ordering activities and timetable). Cost Management (Cost estimating and budgeting). Quality management of the project. Resource management (project team, equipment and material). Project risk management (identification, analysis and risk response planning). Plan for communication. Introduction to basic functions of one of the most common software project management tools - Microsoft Project. Report on the completed project, preparation of technical documentation and presentation of the completed project.
The name of the course: Product Data Management
Code: 3OEM8B04
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures: 1
- Exercises: 1
- Other classes: 0
Course outline:
The concept of data management. Definition and elements of design of electronic product lifecycle management (PLM). Definition of the product data management process (PDM). Managed datasets. Managed functions. Tools that allow the execution of functions. Examples of application during the design, production and exploitation of an electronic product.
The name of the course: Professional Practice
Code: 3OEZ8SP
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures:0
- Exercises: 0
- Other classes: 0
Course outline:
Getting to know the process of work in the company in which the professional practice is carried out, its goals and organizational units. Getting to know the team and the project where the student is involved, which is selected in accordance with the student's module. Understanding the process of work in the company, business processes, understanding of work risks, participation in design, documentation preparation or quality control, in accordance with the work process and organizational possibilities in the company.
Specification for the book of courses
The name of the course: Professional Practice
Code: 3OEZ8SP
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures:0
- Exercises: 0
- Other classes: 0
Course outline:
Getting to know the process of work in the company in which the professional practice is carried out, its goals and organizational units. Getting to know the team and the project where the student is involved, which is selected in accordance with the student's module. Understanding the process of work in the company, business processes, understanding of work risks, participation in design, documentation preparation or quality control, in accordance with the work process and organizational possibilities in the company.
Specification for the book of courses
Code: 3OEZ8ZR
The number of classes per week:
- Lectures:0
- Exercises: 0
- Other classes: 0
Course outline:
The final paper represents an independent research, practical or theoretical methodological work of the student in accordance with the level of studies, in which he becomes acquainted with some narrow area through the literature review and adopts methodology of research or designing necessary for the production of the paper. By making the paper, the student applies the practical and theoretical knowledge acquired during the studies. In written form, as a rule, the paper contains an introductory chapter, a definition of the problem, an overview of areas and existing solutions, a proposal and a description of its own solution, a conclusion and literature. A public oral defense of the paper is organized in front of a commission of three members, one of which is a mentor of the paper. During the oral defense, the candidate explains the results of his paper, and then answers the questions of the members of the commission, whereby the candidate demonstrates the ability of the oral presentation of the project.
Specification for the book of courses