The Department of General Education has organised courses on numerous subjects in the fields of humanities, foreign languages, physical education, and national defense. There have been seven full time and several part time professors at the Department. The subjects on which lectures have been organised are in the fields of Philosophy, Sociology, Political and Economical System of the SFRY, English language, Russian language, French and German language. Students of the Faculty of Electronic Engineering have achieved outstanding results at competitions in various sport disciplines.
The Department of General Education now organises courses in following subjects: Society and Sustainable Development, Business Communications, Legal Aspects of Information Technologies, Engineering Ethics, Culture and Communications, English Language I, and English Language II. The professors are authors and coauthors of several publications and text books in their areas of expertise.
Dr. Simka Deletić, Dr. Milivoje Pejčić: Пословне комуникације (Business Communications), edition textbook, Niš: Elektronski fakultet, 2008
Друштво и одрживи развој (Society and the Sustainable Development), edition textbook, Niš: Elektronski fakultet, 2007
Dr. Simka Deletić:
Развој савременог друштва (The Development of Contemporary Society), edition monograph, Niš: Elektronski fakultet, 2002
Теорије о друштвеном развоју (Theories of Social Development), supplementary textbook, Beograd: Naučna knjiga, 1993
"Uticaj Interneta na oblikovanje i razvoj savremenog društva" (The Influence of the Internet onto Shaping and the Development of Contemporary Society), Izazovi i dometi savremene sociologije društvenog razvoja, Niš, Filozofski fakultet, 2008, p.185-195.
"Society, Technology and View of the Word", Facta Universitatis, Series Philosophy and Sociology, Vol. 2, No. 7, 2000, University of Niš, p. 367-372.
"Technology and Education", Facta Universitatis, Series Philosophy and Sociology, Vol. 1, No. 5, 1998, University of Niš, p. 485-490.
"Contemporary Society in Transformation", Facta Universitatis, Series Philosophy and Sociology, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1994, University of Niš, p. 15-25.
"Moderno tehnološko doba i budućnost čoveka" (Modern technological age and the future of humankind), Zbornik Etika inženjera, Mašinski fakultet: Gradina: JUNIR, Niš, 1995, p. 114-118.
Dr. Nadežda Stojković:
Written and Spoken Communications in English for Science and Technology, edition supplementary textbook, Niš: Elektronski fakultet, 2005
Chapters in exceptional monographs of international relevance:
- ’Translation as a Means of Deepening One's Identity’ in Identity and Difference, Peter Lang AG, European Academic Publishers, Bern, Switzerland, 2005, 183-193.
- ’I Metafrasi os Meso Syniditopiisis tis Taftotitas’, in Maria Sidiropoulou (ed.), Metafrastikes Optikes: Epiloges ke Diaforetikotita, Athens University: Parousia 71., 70-79.
- ’Teaching Principles and Types of Written and Spoken Communications in English for Academic/Occupational Purposes’ in Languages for Specific Purposes in Higher Education - Searching for Common Solutions, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 61-71.
- ’Possibilities and Justifications for Communicating Cultural Issues in Teaching English for Science and Technology’ in Education Landscapes in the 21st Century: Cross-cultural Challenges and Multi-disciplinary Perspectives, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, UK, 2008, 179-188.
- ’To Translate or not to Translate: to Enrich or to Impoverish Identity’ in Recounting Cultural Encounters, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, UK, 2009, 89-113.
’Interdependence of Language and Identity’ in Identity Issues, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, UK, 2010, date pending.
Dr. Nadežda Stojković is the chair of the project Language and Literature, supported by the Ministry of Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia and the Faculty of Electronic Engineering, for the period 2006-2010. She was granted a complimentary library donation by the Embassy of the USA for the outstanding quality of work at the faculty. She has organized several lectures by the invited professors from the renowned universities in the USA. On ’Elektrijada 2006’ the students of Faculty of Electronic Engineering won the first prize at the competition in English Language.
The course of English Language deals with the English Language for Science and Technology, specifically English Language for Electronics. In this, the subject closely follows the worldwide trend of teaching the aspects of language significantly important for the area of expertise taught at the faculty. The content of the subject is regularly updated to match the current developments in the target science and the needs of future professionals in terms of linguistics. The course is thus designed to be a proper and primarily useful preparation for future engineers so as to make them highly competitive in today’s global economy that needs English language and professional communication.
In the future, the Department will follow the trends in the fields that deal with the developments of contemporary society. This primarily relates to the ethical education of engineers that have gained a differentiated shape on the leading universities and engineering schools throughout the world. Also, the knowledge of business communications is crucial for understanding and successful performing of professional duties. Of special importance is the theme of the principles and criteria of sustainability and the relevance of sustainable development in general from the stance of ethics, ecology, ecological economy.
Involvement in teaching activities
Department of General Education is involved in the realization of teaching activities at Bachelor studies.
Department of General Education is involved in the realization of teaching activities at Bachelor studies.