Science and Research



The Faculty of Electronic Engineering performs scientific and research activities equal with the educational activities, according to the Law on Education, Law on Scientific and Research Activities, and the Statute of the Faculty of Electronic Engineering.

Scientific activity of the Faculty of Electronic Engineering includes a wide spectrum of fields within electrical engineering and computer science, starting from electrical power engineering, through electronics, telecommunications, and control systems, then computer technics, information and communication technologies, and metrology and measurement techniques.

Scientific and research work is performed mainly through projects of basic, applied, and developmental research. Part of the scientific and research work is based on the contracts signed between the Faculty and the Ministry of Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, as well as with other ministries as users of the project results. The other part of the scientific and research work is based on the contracts signed between the Faculty and certain international foundations that support scientific and research work. These projects are mainly financed by the EU, WUS Austria, then TEMPUS and DAAD project that basically do not have research character.


Teachers and associates of the Faculty of Electronic Engineering are involved in the realization of the commercial projects financed by the state institutions (Army of the Republic of Serbia, Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia, etc.), local authorities, national and international companies (such as ABB from Switzerland). Since this type of scientific and research activities are very significant, it is planned to have more of these projects through engagement with current partners and realization of projects with new partners, both on a national and international level. Some of the resources acquired through the realization of the projects are used for the improvement of material conditions of work and development of the Faculty.

Scientific, research, and expert work at the Faculty of Electronic Engineering is planned and assessed annually from the quality and quantity aspects. Monitoring the execution of planned activities is carried out through submitting reports to the Ministry of Science and Technological Development, the Teaching and Scientific Council, or institutions involved in their financing. Teachers and associates of the Faculty of Electronic Engineering are involved in the scientific and research work, as well as students of doctoral and master studies.

Through involvement in certain projects, students gain practical knowledge and experience, which presents an important link in their process of education. Besides the work within the research and developmental projects, the Faculty of Electronic Engineering is also present as the main organizer of the scientific conferences.


Address: Aleksandra Medvedeva 4, 18104 Niš, Serbia
Phone: +381 (18) 529-105
Fax: +381 (18) 588-399
