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- tel: 381 (18) 529-406
Academic carreer
- Selected as Full Professor in 2021 at the Faculty of Electronic Engineering in Nis, in the field of Theoretical Electrical Engineering Selected as Associate Professor in 2016 at the Faculty of Electronic Engineering in Nis, in the field of Theoretical Electrical Engineering
- Received his PhD in 2010 at the Faculty of Electronic Engineering in Nis, in the field of Theoretical Electrical Engineering
- Received his master’s degree in 1998 at the Faculty of Electronic Engineering in Nis, in the Theoretical Electrical Engineering
- Graduated in 1989 at the Faculty of Electronic Engineering in Nis, in the field of Theoretical Electrical Engineering
Selected references
- Nebojsa B. Raicevic, Slavoljub R. Aleksic and Sasa. S. Ilic, "One numerical method to determine improved cable terminations", Electric Power Systems Research, Elsevier, Vol. 81, No. 4, pp. 942-948, 2011. (M21)
- Nebojsa B. Raicevic, Slavoljub R. Aleksic, "One method for electric field determination in the vicinity of infinitely thin electrode shells", Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, Elsevier, Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 97-104, 2010. (M21)
- Nebojša B. Raičević, Slavoljub R. Aleksić and Saša S. Ilić, “Hybrid Boundary Element Method for Multi-layer Electrostatic and Magnetostatic Problems”, Electromagnetics, Taylor & Francis, Vol. 30, No.6, pp. 507-524, 2010. (M22)
- Nebojsa B. Raicevic, Slavoljub Aleksic, Ilona Iatcheva, Marinko Barukcic, “Enhanced method for pulse skin effect calculation of cylindrical conductors”, COMPEL - The international journal for computation and mathematics in electrical and electronic engineering, Vol. 39, No. 3, pp. 623-635, 2020. (M23)
- Nebojsa B. Raicevic, Slavoljub R. Aleksic, Zeljko Hederic, Marinko Barukcic, Ilona Iatcheva, “Optimal Selection of Coaxial Ring Systems in Environmental Electrostatic Shielding”, COMPEL - The international journal for computation and mathematics in electrical and electronic engineering, Vol. 37, No. 4, pp. 1418-1435, 2018. (M23)
- Vojin I. Kostić, Nebojsa B. Raicevic, "An alternative approach for touch and step voltages measurement in high-voltage substations", Electric Power Systems Research, Elsevier, Vol. 130, pp. 59-66, 2016. (M21)
- Vojin I. Kostić, Nebojsa B. Raicevic, "A study on high-voltage substation ground grid integrity measurement", Electric Power Systems Research, Elsevier, Vol. 131, pp. 31-40, 2016. (M21)
- Mirjana Perić, Saša Ilić, Ana Vučković, Nebojša Raičević, “Analyses of Bi-Isotropic Media using Hybrid Boundary Element Method”, ACES Journal, The Applied Computational Electromagnetic Society, Mississippi, USA, Vol. 36, No. 10, pp. 1265-1273, 2021. (M23)
- Ana Vuckovic, Dusan Vuckovic, Mirjana Peric, Nebojsa Raicevic, “Influence of the Magnetization Vector Misalignment on the Magnetic Force of Permanent Ring Magnet and Soft Magnetic Cylinder“, International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, IOS Press, Vol. 65, No. 3, pp. 417-430, 2021. (M23)
- Mirjana Perić, Saša Ilić, Ana Vučković, Nebojša Raičević, “Improving the Efficiency of Hybrid Boundary Element Method for Electrostatic Problems Solving”, ACES Journal, The Applied Computational Electromagnetic Society, Mississippi, USA, Vol. 35, No. 8, pp. 872-877, 2020. (M23)
Monographs and chapters in monographs:
- Nebojsa B. Raicevic, Slavoljub R. Aleksic, "One Method For Magnetic Multilayer Systems Determination", in: Computer Field Models of Electromagnetic Devices (Edited by Sławomir Wiak, Ewa Napieralska-Juszczak), ISBN 978-1-60750-603-4, Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, IOS PRESS, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Vol.34, chapter 4: Computational Techniques, pp. 220-227, November 2010, DOI:10.3233/978-1-60750-604-1-220, ISSN:1383-7281. (M13).
- Nebojša B. Raičević, "Conformal Mapping and Equivalent Electrodes Method Application on Electric Field Determination at Cable Accessories", Discrete and Computational Mathematics (Book), chapter 14, pp. 205-214, NOVA SCIENCE PUBLISHERS, New York, USA, 2008, ISBN: 1-60021-810-5, (M14).
- Nebojša Raičević, Slavoljub Aleksić: „Poboljšanje performansi visokonaponskih kablovskih završnica i spojnica modelovanjem deflektora“, Monografija, ISBN 978-86-6125-156-6, januar 2016, Izdavač: Elektronski fakultet u Nišu.(M42).
- Vučković, A., Vučković D., Perić, M., Raičević N., "A universal approach for the magnetic force calculation of radial and axial magnetic bearings", Advances in engineering research, Nova Science Publishers, New York, Volume 25, Chapter 5, pp. 209-232, ISBN 978-1-53614-218-1, ISSN 2163-3932, 2018. (M14).
- Total number of scientific papers with IMPACT factor: 24
- Current involvement in projects: National: 2, International: 2
- Other relevant information: So far, he has published 202 papers, three university textbooks, and four monographs. He participated in the realization of nine domestic and five foreign scientific research projects, and managed the realization of two projects. He is the author of the new cable accessories with reduced dielectric stress as well as a new numerical hybrid boundary element method (HBEM) for the calculation of electromagnetic fields. He is the president of the IEEE EMC chapter for Serbia and Montenegro. He was a mentor of two doctoral dissertations, and several times he was a mentor and a member of the commissions for the defense of doctoral (18), master's and bachelor's theses. He is a reviewer of a number of prestigious journals from the SCI / SCIE list and a number of international conferences, at which his work has twice been declared the best. The guest editor is in the journal from the SCI list (Electronics - MDPI). He was a member of the Council of the University of Nis and the Faculty of Electronics in Nis, a member of the Collegium of the Faculty of Electronics in Nis as a Head of the Department of Theoretical Electrical Engineering, President of the Commission for enrollment in basic and master academic studies of the Faculty of Electronics in Nis. He has eleven research stays abroad, three scientific courses.
List of publications: