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Academic carreer
- Selected as Full Professor in 2004 at the Faculty of Electronic Engineering in Nis, in the field of Microelectronics and Microsystems
- Received his PhD in 1994 at the Faculty of Electronic Engineering in Nis, in the field of Microelectronics
- Received his master's degree in 1990 at the Faculty of Electronic Engineering in Nis, in the field of Microelectronics
- Graduated in 1986 at the Faculty of Electronic Engineering in Nis, in the field of Microelectronics

Selected references
Dragana Markušev, Dragan Markušev, Sanja Aleksić, Dragan Pantić, Slobodanka Galović, D. M. Todorović, Jose Ordonez-Miranda, „ Experimental Photoacoustic observation of the Photogenerated Excess Carrier Influence on the Thermoelastic Response of n-type Silicon“, Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 128, no. 9, September 2020.
Jovančić, Dragana Markušev, Dragan Markušev, Sanja Aleksić, Dragan Pantić, D. Korte, M. Franko, “Thermal and Elastic Characterization of Nanostructured Fe2O3 Polzmorphs and TiO2-Coated Fe2O3 Using Open Photoacoustic Cell”, International Journal of Thermophysics, vol. 41, pp. 1-17, Springer US, May 2020. (M23, 0.794) DOI:
Dragana Markušev, Dragan Markušev, Sanja Aleksić, Dragan Pantić, Slobodanka Galović, Jose Ordonez-Miranda, „Effects of the photogenerated excess carriers on the thermal and elastic properties of n-type silicon excited with a modulated light source: Theoretical analysis”, Journal of Applied Physics 126(18), November 2019.DOI: 1063/1.5100837
Sanja Aleksić, Aleksandar Pantić, Dragan Pantić, “High electric field stress model of n-channel VDMOSFET based on artificial neural network”, Journal of Computational Electronics, pp. 1-10, April 2018.
Janković, D. Pantić, S. Batcup, P. Igić, “A lateral double-diffused magnetic sensitive metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor with integrated n-type Hall plate“, Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 263507 (2012).· DOI: 10.1063/1.4731630
Janković, T. Pešić, D. Pantić, “Dynamic MAGFET Model for Sensor Simulation”, Circuits, Devices & Systems, IET, vol.1, no. 4, pp. 270-274, August 2007. DOI: 10.1049/iet-cds:20060310
- Z. Xiao, D. Pantić, R. S. Popović, “A New Single Photon Avalanche Diode in CMOS High-Voltage Technology“, 14th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (TRANSDUCERS’07), Lyon, France, June, 2007.
- E. Jovanović, T. Pešić, N. Janković, D. Pantić, “3D Simulation and Electrical Modelling of Cross-Shaped Hall Sensor“, Digest of Technical Papers of 18th European Conference on Solid-State Sensors, p2.50, Rome, Italia, 2004.
- A. Rochas, A.R. Pauchard, P.A. Besse, D. Pantic, Z. Prijic, R.S. Popovic, “Low-Noise Silicon Avalanche Photodiodes Fabricated in Conventional CMOS Technologies”, IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices, Vol. 49, No. 3, pp. 387-394, March 2002. DOI: 10.1109/16.987107
Pantić, T. Trajković, S. Milenković, N. Stojadinović, “Optimization of Power VDMOSFET’s Process Parameters by Neural Networks”, Proc. 25th European Solid State Device Research Conference (ESSDERC’95), The Hague, The Netherlands, September, 1995
- Total number or scientific papers from the SCI (SSCI) list: 13
- Current involvement in projects: National: 1, International: 1
- Other relevant information: Leader or researcher on more than 10 domestic projects funded by the Ministry of Science of the Republic of Serbia and more than 5 international projects implemented with: Digital Equipment Corporation, Technical University Vienna, Institute for Microelectronics, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Department de Microtechnique, Lausanne, Switzerland, WUS Austria, Austrian Science and Research Liaison Office.